Flash Crashes with Card Hunter

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Catberg, May 5, 2013.

  1. Catberg

    Catberg Kobold

    I got access in the batch if Beta Keys that freshly gotten out and love the game very much...if it wasn't for the fact that every now and then, randomly, Flash crashes. I couldn't really find anything over the search, so I hope someone might know something.

    I have Version 11,7,700,169 installed on Chrome. Allready tried this advise but that didn't help either. Besides that I have Windows 7, 64bit. The occurence of the error is random...sometimes it crashes allready when I click the 'Campaign' button, some other time I can play for an hour before things crash.

    Would be really cool if someone might know something and I really hope I am at the right adress here :)
  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    The next time this happens, can you please note the time and post it here (make sure you include your time zone)? I'll check our logs to see if we can pick anything up server side.

    Another thing you can try is installing the debug flash player. This should give you more information on the crash which you could also post here.
  3. Catberg

    Catberg Kobold

    Ok, I am trying that with the debugger...tho haven't yet really seen through how that one works. Give me a bit there~

    Crash - 10:07 German time, clicking the connect button (small delay, loading screen -> gone)

    Could this possibly be a conflict with other running applications/games? I normaly have diesiedleronline.de (settlersonline) as well as culturesonline running too and they do of course crash as well.

    Edit: Not to forget shakes'n'fidges :D
  4. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Try refreshing your browser cache to get latest build. Close off all other applications and just run Card Hunter alone. Open your task manager, click processes, look at the memory consumed by your flash player. Gradually turn on your other applications and watch the memory load/spike. My flash process for card hunter consume 500MB+ before lag creeps in. I'm sure any other flash app will devour your memory. Hope it helps. :)
  5. Catberg

    Catberg Kobold

    11:47 - Clicking the 'Onward' Button
    11:53 - Clicking the Done button

    I took a look at the Memory usuage, combined and alone, there are no spikes really (I gave all of them 10 MB of memory to use anyways). Everything stays stable there. Installed that Debugger plugin...can't find it anywhere. Sorry, never used that before.
  6. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Are you behind a firewall ?
  7. Catberg

    Catberg Kobold

    Just the standart Windows one, but browser and stuff are whitelisted there. And those times are for Jon, who asked me to monitor them.
  8. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    well, I misread this last night. When you look at the task manager, it should show 2 instances of flash processes. The one that consumes significantly less memory is the broker process. Look at the other one. It shouldn't be in the region of 10MB, more like 10 to 20 times that.

    If you have installed the plugin, make sure its active in chrome. Go to your configuration screen (iirc, chrome://plugins/) and check it. You'll have to set up trace and logging to capture the error from crashes (http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/configure-debugger-version-flash-player.html).
  9. Bastion

    Bastion Kobold

    Ya, Flash running hot on my computer. Win 7, 64 bit, i5, 2.53 GHz, 6 GB ram. Laptop gets very hot, computer actually shuts down.

    Will do some actual analysis another time.

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