I think a great addition to the looting would be to have a Junk folder aswell. Coz lots of the time I'm getting stuff that I wont use. So Having a Junk would simplyfy the efficiency of selling stuff at the armory, coz right now it takes a lot of time to get rid of the items which you do not want. Just a suggestion.
Something similar to this has been suggested before but lets flesh the suggestion out a bit. I would like a place where i can drop items from the loot screen and or equipment screen that is then either instantly sold or sold at the press of a button in shop.
Here's the last time we fleshed it out: http://www.cardhunter.com/forum/threads/a-place-to-store-unused-items.971/ I believe that a slightly-more-complex "labels" system would help. Say, a "storage" label for things you don't need to see all the time. (Which is slightly more positive than a "junk" label: as you know, different strategies make "junk" more valued.)
Oddly, I was just thinking about this as I went to get my morning coffee this morning. I'm planning (i.e. no idea when I'll get time to do this) to add instant selling from any loot screen via a tiny shop window and/or Ctrl-Shift clicking. It sounds like a storage/junk container would be useful as well?
I feel that as long as your able to sell things with this, "tiny shop" then a storage/junk container shouldn't be necessary.
Not necessary, but having other storage options would still be helpful. Again, aside from the "junk" label, imagine how handy it would be to add custom filters to inventory sorting: "best gear," "future build ideas," "why am I still keeping this?" and so on.
"Standard gear" for when going into the unknown "Challenge gear" for keeping the lower talent cost stuff you want for dropping back down. Would it be more useful to have saveable inventory filter/tabs or saveable character builds?
not exactly the same thing but related. can be a way to "dress" the characters and save the configuration so you can one click change from one build to another?
More can be found here http://www.cardhunter.com/forum/threads/mass-selling.1486/#post-17955 Maybe give the player a few tabs to name by themselves, rather then labeled tabs such as "junk" and such.
The idea of preset labels was based on the old "pack mule Rudolpho" that they used to intend for the game. I'd be happy with most alternatives. Yes, absolutely, we need "saved builds." The game would be maddening to play long-term without it, and fortunately Blue Manchu's said it's in the works. Like here back in January:
I was wondering if there is some way to quickly remove items from character sheet. You see I have nine characters and often I want to take all of their items in order to be able to create the best item build for my current adventure. It takes some time to drag and drop all those icons and I would surely use some shortcut for this .. maybe like CTRL+click to strip an item from character .. similar to quick selling.
If they do implement a "saved builds" system, it should be easy to implement a "quick remove" system also: they'd just keep a "blank build" stored and give you a quick button to remove your current build and go to the blank. Which is to say: I agree with you. Just it should avoid ANY similarity to quick selling because that could cause tragic miscommunications for new players.
I agree with the "quick remove items" first, as it may be easier to code. Im all in to saved builds too, and that can take more time but i know is on the wishlist. Let's hope they are able to come up with it in reasonable time
May I suggest that you add a "sell excess" button instead, that counts up to 9 for weapons, 6 for staves and divine weapons, and 3 for everything else and sell the rest? Throwing it out when you get it sends the wrong message, and seems fraught with danger to me. This is a deck-building game. No one at level 8 in the campaign is going to realize that Novice Insight is the only no-talent path-finding card in the game! They're going to look at cowardly and throw it out, before they even realize that in a normal draw you'd pull cowardly along with at most one other attack, and then draw another card. It's not even obvious at first that it *is* a deck-building game. It's impossible to accurately value half the cards until you've seen the other half. I worry people are going to get *really* remorseful when they get into the habit of selling stuff, and then finish the campaign and unlock quests and check out pvp, and realize how much of that stuff they want.
That's not quite as safe as a "sort by number of copies owned" feature, allowing the player to just plain see them and judge. After all, the "everything else" category includes Arcane Items, and a single Wizard can use 4 at once. P.S.: People have requested a "sort by number" button before, and I totally support that.
Apologies. Anything beyond 12 Arcane items, 9 weapons, 6 staves/divine weapons, and 3 of everything else is only for convenience. This is not, strictly speaking sorting by number. The thing I want to highlight is the signalling to the new players. A player will see a vendor box next to their loot, and naturally think that they're expected to vendor a lot of items. They haven't seen much of the game yet. They don't know how important range 2, piercing, positioning, mobility all become on different maps etc They don't know that crushing damage is going to be all but useless on some maps. I think people are going to sell a lot of things that they really shouldn't, because they won't know any better, and the sell option will be right there. They probably haven't experimented with the other races, either. I gave up on all the in-your-face damage weapons, because my warrior was a dwarf. Right now I'm running three elves all with arrogant, armor, and getting melee range and staying there is *not* a problem. If i had sold off my big hitters because they were useless at the time, I'd not be able to play the way I am now. The button I'm imagining would encourage people to think about their collection as, well, a collection.
You are also forgetting 9 divine items. But on topic: i support this suggestion. I would prefer it over sorting by numbers, where you would still have to go through all the items and check for all different item-classes manually. While I agree that a lot of new players will sell of items they don't need for their current build and find to regret it later, I don't think that a "sell all excess items" would have a big impact on said behavior.
Direct selling from loot window sounds dangerous. People might end up actually selling stuff, which is very bad while playing campaign for the first (or 2nd, or 3rd) time. Especially first time every item is more valuable than what you get from selling it. You end up switching gear very often, almost after every battle, knowing beforehand what is usefull and what isn't is very hard.