Card Hunter Wiki - Cardhuntria

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Farbs, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra

    Build 1.30:

    Just the one!

    Items renamed(1.30): (1)

    Weapon Renamed (1): Assagai -> Assegai
  2. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Changelog (26th Apr 2013)

    Broken query entries fixed for skill tables.
    Last major site feature: item search form is up, get it here. (whew, managed to make it before open beta!)
    Allows user to search for items based on item type, talent pips and card name. Accessible from main page.
    Comments and feedback welcome. :)
    Jayce likes this.
  3. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Changelog (1st May 2013)

    All Starter Packs updated per build beta 1.32.
  4. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    Just found some Dwarven Panatellas and their sell price (value) is 200 Gold.
  5. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra

    Oops! Looks like all the correct values went in at some point, and then at a slightly later point, I removed the line of code that took care of the treasure prices =D

    I think they're all correct again now, let me know if you spot any more weirdness. Thanks =D
  6. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    Sure thing! :D
  7. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    I couldn't find it on the wiki, but I just completed The White Star and received a White Star Diamond. It is a Level 30 Epic Treasure, with a sell price of 50 Gold.

    I'm also not entirely sure if it is suppose to be level 30...
  8. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Could very possibly be since it doesn't matter at all.
  9. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra

    Ah, that'll be because I had been using level 20 as a cut off for items - it doesn't look like I need to do that anymore (there was a big item clean up when they transitioned to 2.0). I'll fix that up later this evening.

    I suspect it's level 30 so it can't ever be looted from a regular adventure :confused:
  10. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    . . . during beta.

    Sure, every "specialty" item can be found in other adventures.
  11. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra

    Sorry, I wasn't explicit; I meant found in an adventure that wasn't "The White Star" - I think it's a supposed to be a special treasure item related to that mission.

    I was guessing that by setting it to be a level 30 item, it won't appear as a reward in any other adventure, because there aren't any of the appropriate level (yet?) : 28 <=> 32.

    Edit: Item updated.
  12. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    That's right, cast off such burdens as level caps! :p
  13. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Yes, indeed, hence my "during beta" comment. I totally got you. Jon said it comes from that adventure starting in this build.
  14. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra

    In summary, we're all agreed. ^_^
  15. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra

  16. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Phaselock and Jayce like this.
  17. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra

    Build 2.8:

    Minor corrections.

    Item Changes(2):
    Hand Of Melvelous
    Rarity: Legendary -> Epic

    White Star Diamond
    Rarity: Epic-> Rare

    Also, we've removed/hidden the items which no longer appear in the game.
  18. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Changelog (9th May)

    A simple guide to Streams of Blood ranked pvp map. Comments/feature requests welcome :)
  19. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Jayce likes this.
  20. trøIIIng

    trøIIIng Kobold

    Wow, great wiki, great site, and great thread. Nicely done ladies & gents.

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