Help the weak

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Malliki, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Malliki

    Malliki Kobold

    ive noticed a few times now, (unfortunately do not have a log or screenshot atm, will try to get this later).

    help the weak, is unable to heal the caster, and will instead pick the lowest secondary target and heal this person instead.

    have others encounterd this issue as well ยด?
  2. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I can't say with certainty but i think i remember healing the caster when he was low. Do make sure your caster on isn't higher than someone on max life like a elf as this will count as the lowest target.
  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Fixed for next build.
  4. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    Yeah I have the same problem too! next time I take a ss
  5. Malliki

    Malliki Kobold

    right... even if jon has confirmed this will be fixed ill still submit a screenshot / combatlog.


    Lenar heals the person in most need.
    Kneecapper recovered 0 HP.

    as can be seen the healer is the only one missing hp in this situation.
  6. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra

    A slightly different/potentially unintended behaviour, which I think belongs in this thread:

    When playing Help The Weak in the situation below, my priest heals itself (not missing any HP), rather than the warrior (missing HP). I'm assuming it happens because all three of my characters have 22hp, so there isn't really a "Weakest" - although I think expected behaviour should be that the character missing the most health (certainly in the case of ties), is healed.


    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Into the Filth,Room=LEEC (Jayce),RoomID=1918,Msg=The active player is now Jayce
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Jayce,Scenario=Into the Filth,Room=LEEC (Jayce),RoomID=1918,Event=PlayAction,Action=Help the Weak,Instigator=Azimuth the Bold,Targets=
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Into the Filth,Room=LEEC (Jayce),RoomID=1918,Msg=Azimuth the Bold healed 5
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Into the Filth,Room=LEEC (Jayce),RoomID=1918,Msg=The active player is now Gary
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Into the Filth,Room=LEEC (Jayce),RoomID=1918,Msg=Gary passed.
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Into the Filth,Room=LEEC (Jayce),RoomID=1918,Msg=The active player is now Jayce

    As a matter of interest, does that mean that Help The Weak wouldn't heal a damaged character over a character at full health, but with a lower maximum hp (i.e. chooses based on current hp, not damage taken)? - That's how I interpret the card text, but I'm not sure if that's the intention.
  7. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yeah, I reported the Help the Weak issue but never got any feedback on it. It currently heals the person with lowest hp - even if that person isn't hurt. Hard to say if this is an intended tradeoff or an oversight.
  8. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    Yeah but his SS its a good point if all alies got the same health? I know I will heal the lowest hp but what about is they all are same hp like the ss?
  9. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Then it will heal the closest ,and the closest would be the priest (as the priest is always closest to himself)?
  10. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    Maybe it should heal the one with hp missing because its the low hp by comparison 22/25 its lower that 22/22 ?
  11. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yes, that was what I was saying. Don't think putting another parameter like that makes sense though - I just think it needs to be switched to "lowest damaged char" - unless it's intended to compare hp no matter damage/health.
  12. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I don't know i kinda like how it works right now to be honest somone at 5 hp is clearly closer to death than someone at 15 even if they only lost 12 hp to get there instead of 19
  13. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yes, but an elven mage at full health has more hp than a wounded dwarven warrior - that's where it gets complicated. So it's not about who's the most wounded - rather than it doesn't care about the target being wounded or not and just counts lowest hp.
  14. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I still think that's fair within the parameters of the spell it heals the lowest health target disregarding complications of if its wounded or not. I do see what you guys are saying i just personally feel that as long as the card works as written that is fine by me and i prefer that to cards working like people want them to and being confusing since they wont do what they say. So basically what I'm saying is if they changed the wording to "heal 5 to the ally who has lost the most life" i would be fine with that but i actually think it would make the spell worse.
  15. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    It would be better if it just counted the people that were actually wounded.
  16. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    I do like who its works now but if everyone got the same hp it should go for the more "wounded" in the ss the human warrior
  17. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I think it's working the way it's written now, but it certainly would be more useful if it healed the ally who has lost the most health. That would probably change the grade of the card though which isn't what we want right now.

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