Retreat did not work as described

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by HavokReaker, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. HavokReaker

    HavokReaker Kobold

    Played Retreat card while my mage was adjacent to an Ogre Bruiser after he moved next to her. Had no option to move her and shortly thereafter she was just a smear on the ground. ;)

    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Pass Lookouts,Room=PASS (),RoomID=60,Msg=The active player is now Gary
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Pass Lookouts,Room=PASS (),RoomID=60,Event=PlayAction,Action=Walk,Instigator=Clubber Zang,Targets=
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Pass Lookouts,Room=PASS (),RoomID=60,Player=Gary,Actor=Clubber Zang,Event=Move,Origin=(3, 3),StartFacing=(0, 1),Destination=(4, 3),EndFacing=(1, 0)
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Pass Lookouts,Room=PASS (),RoomID=60,Msg=The active player is now
    BATTLE LOG: Player=,Scenario=Pass Lookouts,Room=PASS(),RoomID=60,Event=PlayAction,Action=Retreat,Instigator=Brog,Targets=
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Pass Lookouts,Room=PASS (),RoomID=60,Msg=The active player is now Gary
  2. HavokReaker

    HavokReaker Kobold

    Just an update on this as I tested it in a few situations. Seems to work correctly as long as you are not next to a large size creature that takes up 4 squares. If it is a large creature then it is not recognizing the character as being adjacent to the monster so don't get to move.
  3. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    Does LOS matter for retreat? If LOS does not matter I had the same issue with a large 4 base critter in the woods.


    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Event=Action Phase Initiated
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Msg=The active player is now irongamer
    BATTLE LOG: Player=irongamer,Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Event=PlayAction,Action=Retreat,Instigator=Annisha,Targets=
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Msg=Gary must play a Trait
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Event=PlayAction,Action=Combustible,Instigator=Malebranch,Targets=
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Msg=Attaching Combustible to Malebranch
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Msg=Gary drew a card for Beech Trees
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Msg=Gary must play a Trait
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Event=PlayAction,Action=Combustible,Instigator=Gnarly,Targets=
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Msg=Attaching Combustible to Gnarly
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Msg=Gary drew a card for Stout Maple Tree
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Msg=The active player is now Gary
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Event=PlayAction,Action=Walk,Instigator=Grayhide,Targets=
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Player=Gary,Actor=Grayhide,Event=Move,Origin=(1, 1),StartFacing=(1, 0),Destination=(2, 1),EndFacing=(1, 0)
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Player=Gary,Actor=Malebranch,Event=Move,Origin=(1, 0),StartFacing=(1, 0),Destination=(1, 0),EndFacing=(0, 1)
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Beech Copse,Room=SINW (irongamer),RoomID=5813,Msg=The active player is now irongamer
  4. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Good catch, there's a bug with Retreat and 2x2 actors. Fixing.
  5. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Should be fixed in next build.
    irongamer likes this.

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