I want to complain because i like my shops well stocked but i cant refute the logic in their arguments >.< Sometimes i wish i was a forum troll so i was immune to logic...
I think we can all just get along somewhere in the middle! Also, you're too nice to ever be a troll, apart from in pvp...
Am fixing the buggy part of it now. Currently it shows the win streak of whoever won your last mp battle (!), so against Gary etc it's always 0, but against a human opponent it'd usually be incorrect too. Working on it... EDIT: Okay, that's fixed now. Should be correct in the next build.
You are also, apparently, trying a number of different names. Those shops have gone through a number of interesting iterations. Has anyone recorded all the different shop names for posterity?
I guess changing your stock every day is costly, so they're looking for enterprising new buissnessmen on a regular basis it seems! On a serious note, any reason for these back and forth (and sidestep cha-cha-cha)?
I don't know about shop names but I really liked The Standard Ration for the lvl one tavern, sad that it changed. But I'm happy were getting a lot more Gary. First thing I thought during the first few adventures I did is, "What happened to Gary?". Good job giving him more input during battles.
Since we often refer to "Taverns" as places to recruit characters, I wanted to ensure that all the taverns are called "the <something> Tavern"> Reasons for past name changes are that we're moving away from jokey placeholder names towards more in-fiction names.
uhuh, I don't know what was changed...now it just shows 'Win to Earn Bonus Chest' thingy regardless of win/loss...Im assuming this is placeholder till next build ?
I know this is a known bug but Farbs said to post. Players leaving for games do not show in chat lobby. The player who left for the game gets the '...entering XX vs Amy' msg but people in the chat lobby dun see them go. As a result, if I idle long enuff...I see 2 x farbs or 2 x patrick accumulating in lobby.
This should hopefully be fixed in the next build. I found and fixed a number of places where players were being removed from the lobby through a method that wasn't sending out notifications to others in the lobby.
Just don't go TOO serious with the names, I love the Cardhuntrian tongue-in-cheek vibe. Slightly silly but deadly. Also, aren't inns in real life known for having really punny names?
I second this whole heartedly. I really thought Startington keep was great name, and I have trouble remembering what the place is called now
The Keep on the Hinterlands - which is ok, as it's a reference to an old D&D module: Keep on the Borderlands.
i want to see a monster tavern where it looks like you can recruit monsters and then gary goes "oh wait this is the wrong one" and kicks you out replacing it with a proper player tavern ( as if he accidentally handed you the monster manual instead of the player handbook)