Beta Build 1.19 (14 Mar 2013)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Jon, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Sure i do when i get greedy and/or lazy against bots. My team is volatile to no end which is fun but difficult to handle when you just want stuff to burn.
  2. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    Looks like you've already been immortalized in Gary's texts for the Gladiatorial Arena, Qualifying Round :D
  3. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Say what?
  4. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Just checked it out. It's totally there.
  5. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    That is beyond awesome i am greatly honored!

    Tho i really wish it would say wolzarg as that is my in game name. Would it be very rude to ask for that correction after already being so gloriously honored?
  6. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Perhaps, perhaps. But it only really matters if you note the implication in the text at the end of the second Gladiatorial module . . .
  7. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I don't get it *lowers stupid head in stupidity*
  8. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    The gladiator modules have a fiction woven about them, saying they were used in a Card Hunter tournament ("last year" or something). The start of the first gladiator module says Melvin lost to you in "the final."

    As you play these "old tournament adventures" with Gary, you eventually get to the last battle in the second gladiator module, which is "the final" from that fictional tournament. When you beat it, you are told that the winner of the tournament may be immortalized with an in-game character.


    . . .

    Meanwhile, I'm now cerulean and draconic. Oh yeah.
  9. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    Idle speculation:
    It might also mean that there will be an actual MP tournament once the beta is over and the winner of that tournament will get his/her name in the game text and Wozarg's name is used as a placeholder for now thanks to his great PvP skills...

    Anyway, it's a really cool reference and certainly made me grin when I first saw it!
  10. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I have to say i interpreted it more like Zalminen but i definitely wouldn't complain in the slightest as it would be a great honor. Even greater since I'm betting the art would be done by ben and i do love his work.
  11. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    It would be kind of cruel putting it in there as a placeholder, so I doubt it's getting removed unless they change the story text for the tournament quests. That being said, don't think that it means Woz is getting an ingame character (based of that quest text, nothing else), but... then again who knows? He's been known to fight himself in multiplayer after all!
  12. Card Hunter Joe

    Card Hunter Joe Blue Manchu

    Done! BTW, I'm going to try to get some more of you in the game as a way of thanking you for all your hard work.
    Wozarg, Zalminen and SurgeonFish like this.
  13. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    The great fish warrior approves of this

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