Devastating Blow ignored Guardian Angel on target facing the attacker

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Sir Knight, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    In Battle MP 1409, we just had this happen:

    I attacked phaselock's Human Warrior, so I know I was facing him. My character (Human Priest) had 9 health left and Guardian Angel in-hand, plus the revealed default Run. phaselock then did this:

    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Dungeon,Room=Battle MP 1409,RoomID=7299,Msg=The active player is now phaselock
    stopTimer 1 831
    BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=MP Dungeon,Room=Battle MP 1409,RoomID=7299,Event=PlayAction,Action=Devastating Blow,Instigator=HW_test1,Targets=Divina
    startTimer 0 878
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Dungeon,Room=Battle MP 1409,RoomID=7299,Msg=Divina took 9 damage
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Dungeon,Room=Battle MP 1409,RoomID=7299,Msg=Divina died
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Dungeon,Room=Battle MP 1409,RoomID=7299,Group=Divina,Event=Discard,Card=Demonic Miasma
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Dungeon,Room=Battle MP 1409,RoomID=7299,Group=Divina,Event=Discard,Card=Run
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Dungeon,Room=Battle MP 1409,RoomID=7299,Group=Divina,Event=Discard,Card=Guardian Angel
    Behold the lethal Devastating Blow, delivered from the front, which ignored Guardian Angel. The computer likely couldn't tell that the damage boost (Devastating Blow does 7 +2 per each revealed card) would bring it up to my Priest's 9.
  2. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Same thing goes for buffs and triggers but i do agree that in this case its a bit of a different matter.
  3. Gabbek

    Gabbek Orc Soldier

    Mentioned in the past with raging strike and other similar effects, seems to happen rather often with Guardian Angel not proccing when there's extra damage.

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