Wasnt able to get a game with Phaselock or imMara last night trying to que for ranked. They claimed they were both able to get into games with others with no problem. Unsure what the issue may be for this.
This happened after a game between myself and imMara where he resigned. Since then, I've not been able to get matchmaked games even after reloading. 2 invited games with Pengw1n worked normally. Hope it helps.
Spent 2 hours in que with multiple people joining and leaving without getting either gary or another player. Sad demon is sad.
It's probably not useful, if this is an issue for all players, but I'm currently in the same situation - I let it search for about an hour yesterday whilst playing another game, Gary never "threw down". The last succesful game for me was a few matches against Gary, around 11:30pm (GMT) on Tuesday (5th).
There will be a guaranteed minimum wait time in the next build. Also, there will be some surprises on the AI multiplayer front