
Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Scarecrow71, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Scarecrow71

    Scarecrow71 Kobold

    Is there a way, apart from purchasing, to get Pizza? I know you are gifted some for the really early showiness of buying a chest. But beyond that?
  2. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    From New Player FAQ:

    Both PvP Board Contest - Constant Submission Thread and Mauve Manticore Submissions are in a sort of hiatus at the moment, but you can still submit and hope that you get picked some day.
    Sir Veza, ParodyKnaveBob and Maniafig like this.
  3. Christofff

    Christofff Guild Leader

    Testing upcoming adventures, which will be announced in the announcements section, also helps earn pizza.

    Not that you need to, but I splashed the cash on the value bundle, which having bought the expansion too I thought the vaule bundle was great...errr...value. I like to spend/reserve some pizza for some sweet-looking costumes.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.

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