Ozyola's Oddments Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Pawndawan, Jan 20, 2016.

  1. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    What do you mean? Isn't every card good except raging strike?


    Exactly. But I believe most players abhor the Blind Rage plus Raging Strike combo. @timeracers
  3. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Good point, but the other cards are powerful enough to compensate. Imagine AoA Massive Chop against 2 characters, a total of 40 damage! But you will say landing both a AoA attack and a chop is going to be hard, which is were vengeance comes in to help with that. Even without AoA those massive chops do a staggering 12 damage with only blind rage. Oh and if you haven't noticed the item is level 17.0 which is 1 total value less then max for this token threshold. Even if this isn't the best PvP item it would make for excellent PvE item.


    I would believe so as well. Nice job.
  5. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    I would usually just ignore this kind of questioning but because you already started the discussion and I have too much free time:
    A. I was just trying to make a point that you forgot to add a major token, to which like almost everything else you have to respond by asking why I said it, as if you dont understand.
    B. The weapon is highly unfocused and would be barbaric to use vs wizards as the only vengeance is cancelled out by raging strike and blind rage, I would much rather create a more focused warrior than use one of these weapons.
    Good day.
  6. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    A: Yep I did see that I forgot to add the major token. But you also said that even without the major token in the cost the item is weak, I mean you wouldn't play it. Obviously without the major token cost the item would be pretty OP (Given in this context Massive Chops is worth B-, AoA = B, Raging Strike = D-, Blind Rage = E then it would be valued at level 10.5 which is higher then you can get for a single minor), but why did you say even if it was a minor token you wouldn't use it? Are you saying that it is so OP that people would hate players that use that version of the weapon, but wouldn't you use in campaign still?
    B: You are right that the weapon would be hard to use but unfocused? Outside of raging strike every card complements massive chop, well blind rage both compliments and forces usage of it. Actually every applicable card on it isn't a bad AoA target.

    But why did you say even if it was a minor token you wouldn't use it?

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