Hi this is Ghostbrain

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Ghostbrain, Apr 3, 2017.

  1. Ghostbrain

    Ghostbrain Ogre

    For those who don't know me... f*** off... This is clearly meant for you. For those who do know me, well...
    F*** off, you've defeated me over a 1000 times by now (if your vaguely ok) and I still have better legendaries than you. Ha Ha idiot clans of the Bejewelled (+more)

    **music then comes on if you click this hereby linkage, it's probably not the best bomberman before saturn bomberman (but it actually is)... **

    a little about myself. I don't count cards, and I don't judge value from idiot colours systems like this is yellow, this is blue (blue makes bad faces, bad blues-token), I also rarely know how to manipulate a bad draw to a good one (that's all poker faces).

    What I can expressionatley impress is the value of deck building! Dependant on your own individual start points, learning curves etc, you may get VVVVV good at this... So without Further ADD-Ons, this is a really ridiculous rancid version of better people talking about overly pontificated points without getting to the point of drinking pints.


    TITLE 1 html.01
    The music is probably not midway now (buckle up!), you should start feeling battle hardened, THINK AND THINK some more. What's your goal? This is rock paper scissors with more ankles than most; Call it luck; Call it fate, or whatever, but there's a calling to this game, it's something you'll never ever find in another. That dnd effect, but made easy with all those cards. Sod off RNG gods, you can beat it with some simple rules of thumb... here's some with curves in mind...


    And you are messed up. Got no cards, actually complaining that you can't get past a certain quest because you don't have the right items. It's all fruitless and many, many more people before you have many, many more items than you. You're f***ing right to be p**sed about that. Fortunately for you, you don't realise... rarity in cards rarely matters. No worries, I'm here for you! *Listen*, the best way to begin is to stock certain cards that are basically and pretty much ANNOYING to the opponent. Here's a few of my pet favourite peevs that are dead accessible without breaking banks.

    NUMBER 1...

    Impenetrable Nimbus

    With no money really you can buy these duality maces to gain favour, basically you have a free attack warrior with those magical penetrating finger bone things. What you lack in movement can be gained by literally any boot with a move of 3 (preferably 4).


    There's course words in the forum of its unsatisfying results, that a 1 turn card means saving one turn, then what? Next turn you're vulnerable... Possibly for one hit, BUT if you stack them you become annoying as hell because its rather difficult for an opponent to justify a full purging build against it.

    NUMBER 2...

    MANY MANY Team Walk Sprint, Team! Dash, Team!

    Secret to any warrior builds is just this, move more than you can be moved. Sod defence and just go for full attacks using frenzy as aids, step attacks as jousts, etc etc. It's not hard to create a deck when it's pretty clear that most move + adding most attack works best


    It's obvious in PVP, what they can do about it is nothing much, but since you basically reveal this strat straight away you best win fast. It's the type of deck that's inherent value degrades over time, as you essentially only need one sprint team to get to the other side. Any others after the first have significantly less value.


    If say you have all the bells and whistles cards, this is probably the top strat out there. It's simply nature bodes to the versatile. It wins quick as sticks and loses just as easy... but you'd recognise a loss yourself alot easier than most decks, means less wasted time and more elo pushing.

    NUMBER 3.//..//

    This requires some revolutionary thinking.. so bloody hell some new music

    For some estranged reason, it's now more accessible than ever to play mages. There is one quintessential new item that makes this all happen and it is... Perimeter Staff The distance you can gain from those firewalls is greater than that of most common staves. It stops all VP win type decks in its tracks, and F*** you wolf people. Well I could go on but I don't care... if you can't see game changers then you're not playing enough.

    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
  2. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    What is this an april fools joke, two days late? Ok I don't mean that, but the post is hardly readable. Whats the point in speaking if your message is incomprehensible? (Rhetorical question)
    Ghostbrain and Maniafig like this.
  3. Ghostbrain

    Ghostbrain Ogre

    re-editted for appeal. lazy typing is lazy.
  4. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    what have I just read


    what am i doing with my life
    what have i read
    what am i doing
    too many questions
    wtf am i doing
  6. Ghostbrain

    Ghostbrain Ogre

    Haha, all important questions.


    @Ghostbrain What was the point of this post?
    I didn't get much out of it.
  8. Ghostbrain

    Ghostbrain Ogre

    It's a creative writing exercise. Deck building concepts I like, but not so keen on painting the full picture for you. It's a bit of fun, if not a slight time wasting exercise.

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