banned systems

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by ntym13, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. ntym13

    ntym13 Kobold

    hello everyone and my congratulations to everyone

    i don't understand about banned systems but
    i'm banned for 30 days

    Dark Brightness likes this.
  2. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    *cough cough*
    Saying this because I know ntym and he is not a bad guy - I can vouch for him.
    Gento, wereviper, trrst and 1 other person like this.
  3. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

  4. ntym13

    ntym13 Kobold

    It's humiliating
    BlackVoidDeath likes this.
  5. Dark Brightness

    Dark Brightness Orc Soldier

    Seriously,what's up with all these mass reports from other players,it's a worrysome thing,BVD at least got warning,when ntym13 got banned.
    If this keeps up,there has to be something done asap,like the reports no being accepted from new accounts or something like that...
    wereviper likes this.
  6. wereviper

    wereviper Ogre

    Maybe it's just me but it seems like the lower ELO players like me who have been in the 1k+ range never have had to deal with this issue since I've been playing CH but this does sound like a problem with people either trying to cheat their way to the top of the ranks or taking a fictional game way too seriously.
    WexMajor and ParodyKnaveBob like this.
  7. Dark Brightness

    Dark Brightness Orc Soldier

    No matter how u take,it is unaceptable.
    I would love to,if developers would change the report system,in that way that the reported person would see who reported them.
    This way,most people would double think about it before doing so,but ofc the priority lies on low elo accounts.
    I don't wanna see my account banned for no reason,neither I want others to have such fate.
    Bluntly speaking,this concerns a lot of people,especially the high elo ones.
    I know the first statement of mine is probably not pasable and won't be accepted,but yes,that's how it is
  8. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Like I posted earlier, fastest way to get this sorted out, be it lifting a ban and/or making some changes to the underlying report system, is to email
    Dark Brightness and wereviper like this.
  9. ntym13

    ntym13 Kobold

    I have experience in past, when one man (with "configure" access to gameplay) the punishes all players by ingame laws. He was like a holy, he works like a machine...But some players was used this to ban and punish other players without realy reason.
    So, the end is sad. "this god" is totaly devastated the game.

    Think about it.

    If your systems decide to ban me - ok, i will serve a sentence.
    If your systems was mistake - ok, i will serve a sentence
    If your not shure in your systems - ok, i wish you a long life...

    P.S. Like I posted earlier - i don't write to support, it's humiliating
    Dark Brightness likes this.
  10. 30 days is way too rough when the system is automated.
    trrst, jts00 and wereviper like this.
  11. ntym13

    ntym13 Kobold

    thank you autoban for autounban after 30 days ban...
  12. Macizo

    Macizo Guild Leader

    I got sa warning today, ¬.¬ even i dont know why.
  13. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    Although I am pretty sure I have had all my warnings lifted from my account, so thank you if anyone did that.
  14. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    30 days is the second ban players receive, and, while a harsh sentence, it is appropriate for folks who disrespect the game's rules enough to sit through one ban and then come back without changing their behavior--or, in the case of players who have been 'wrongly' banned, have no interest in figuring out whether or not they have been wrongly banned by checking in with the game administration team.

    @ntym13 I'm sorry you found this experience humiliating but we do not, under any circumstances, discuss the details of player reports, warnings, and bans publicly. If you want your ban lifted faster next time, you need to follow the advice of our moderators and email There you can find out whether or not you've been breaking rules you weren't aware of, and, if not, you can get your ban lifted immediately assuming the reports were in bad faith.
  15. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    I disagree that it is appropriate for people who were wrongly banned, even if those people have no interest in contacting admin.

    I personally haven't had a problem with wrongful reports or bans; and I don't know if the system really is flawed. Maybe there is no problem whatsoever. But I will say that no punishment is 'appropriate' for people who were wrongfully banned. People should not have to fight to prove their innocence. If I was personally getting unfairly banned from the game, I'd be inclined to quit playing rather than beg admin for forgiveness. I wouldn't want to have to do a whole lot of extra work just to restore my right to play - especially knowing it was taken from me only due to spite, with essentially no effort or thought.

    I understand that it's a difficult problem, and that mistakes will be made. I'm sure most others players understand that too. But if there are flaws in the system, those flaws should be corrected - and an apology is owed to anyone wrongfully banned. I really don't think it is at all fair to say that 30 days ban is appropriate punishment for people who's only fault was to not dispute their first ban.
  16. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Definitely not. But you also don't know that you have been wrongly banned until you've talked to support about it. There are a lot of rules necessary for keeping an online game clean & fun for broad layers of folks, and gamers can be, shall we say, oblivious. Most of the time when folks get banned they think they've done nothing wrong, whether or not that's true :p
    wereviper and ParodyKnaveBob like this.
  17. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    True, but shouldn't it be allowed after the ban is lifted to discuss it then?
  18. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    I understand Flax's point of view as a dev who is trying to maintain a "clean and fun" online game, but some of the points for which we could be banned such as dropping four asterisks here and there are laughable compared to what other players get away with.
    But on the other hand (like karadoc said) we as players should not feel pressured into being forced to do lots of work just to get a wrongful or simple ban lifted, as a solution you can send the player a warning to stop behaving like that (more informative warning in-game), and then if they do not listen send them a PM on the forums to discuss the issue, then if they do not respond or stop behaving badly a ban should be issued.
    This is my personal idea but this would prevent wrongful bans.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2017
  19. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    I love the accountability idea, in concept, except that there are anonymous hotlines (for more important things, like state crimes,) for a reason. I'll speak as vaguely as I can here, but there was a time when a CH player got an in-game warning, and upon asking I let it be known I'd reported, and (explicitly, empirically, unquestionably,) I got retaliated against. Therefore, I understand BM protecting the community at large, if that's the reason for the semi-anonymity; after all, someone else might harbor serious ill-will and commit serious retaliation of some sort.

    Again, I'll forego details, but here's why I'll claim you wouldn't have to do any such thing. I've gotten in-game warnings before; I did not get to the point of banishment, but I neverthelesss took my concern to BM support because either I'd done something wrong and needed to sort it out, or I hadn't and wanted things cleared up. That's not begging for forgiveness for being innocent. That's making contact to determine which happened, either 1. fair discipline to be followed and learned from or 2. abuse of the system for admins to note and for the reported player to ignore.

    This also sounds to me like what Flax said up above, eh?

    At the moment, I believe it'd be nice if 1. the reports let a player add a bit more detail, perhaps unseen by the reported to keep anonymity better (and I know I've seen at least another person or three say that in World over time), and/or 2. the warnings and/or bans listed to the player the reasons (just the text from the report buttons ought to do). However, if there are solid reasons not to do either of these in the future, then so be it. $:^ |
  20. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    What percentage of players have forum accounts? How many players who have received legitimate warnings had a forum account before being banned?

    I've said this before, I don't think bans should be automated. Warnings should be, and maybe muting (can't speak in world chat, can only PM mutual friends and devs/mods). But only a dev or mod should be able prevent someone from playing the game.

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