Card Ideas

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by timeracers, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge


    Magic assist - type arcane
    Range 6
    Activate all start of round effects on target character.
    wereviper and tolkien like this.
  2. wereviper

    wereviper Ogre

    Personally I like both ideas! What if there was a way to combine these effects...hey maybe something like this I've seen in Shadowverse but taliored to Cardhunter...though might be too OP the way I'm thinking...anyhow here's my idea....

    Dark Ritual

    Unholy Magic Assist

    When you recieve damage, your allies heal for that amount. When you heal, your allies recieve that amount as unpreventable unholy damage then create 3 random negative traits in your hand.
  3. wereviper

    wereviper Ogre

    Speaking of "red"....

    Sacrificial Blood
    Trait/Assist (Priest only?)

    Duration 3. (?) If this character dies while this card is attached, Heal 3 all Allies. Allies healed by this effect discard 1 random card from their hand.
  4. tolkien

    tolkien Thaumaturge

    Interesting that Blu Manchu thought of such a powerful card as like unto a word from God instead of as a Dark Ritual. I certainly agree with that sentiment.
    wereviper likes this.
  5. tolkien

    tolkien Thaumaturge

    Battle Calm
    Divine item card

    Quality: bronze
    Attack projectile sonic range 1
    Attach to all adjacent Characters. When you play an attack subtract 2 damage from it.

    Or for silver quality, instead of adjacent, all characters within 5 squares.

    Because 'Battle Frenzy' didn't test well with the nun demographic.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2016
    wereviper likes this.
  6. wereviper

    wereviper Ogre

    I think this is a nice varation based off of Accelerate Time
    tolkien likes this.
  7. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge

    Sometimes you don't want to accelerate the regenerating skeleton, your poisoned elf and your burning warrior, but only the tree with 2 burning card and Combustible.
    wereviper likes this.
  8. wereviper

    wereviper Ogre

  9. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge

    Blood Shards

    Magic attack - Type arcane
    Range N/A - Damage 1
    Attack all enemies in line of sight. Recieve 1 unpreventable unholy damage for every enemy attacked.

    Blood Spike

    Magic attack . Type arcane
    Range 2 - Damage see below
    Roll a dice, you recieve that amount of unpreventable unholy damage, the damage of the attack is that amount doubled.
    wereviper likes this.
  10. Fanturluche

    Fanturluche Thaumaturge

    Heart of Stone
    This armor grants immunity to penetrating damage. Keep.
    Aiming for the heart is not always a good idea.

    Then you can just cast Surestrike Blessing on your ennemies :p
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
    WexMajor, adajon and wereviper like this.
  11. wereviper

    wereviper Ogre

    Blood Shards for sure sounds like an intresting card but to me without proper heals, Blood Spike would still be a hellava gamble if you draw it at low health and have no heals avaliable
  12. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge

    Blood shards is a block checker (buffable) and it feels right to cost you. Blood spike is supposed to give dwarven mages an edge over the more mobile races.
    But yes, you'd better have a healer in the party.
    wereviper likes this.
  13. wereviper

    wereviper Ogre

    Makes more since since you clarified it. Even at full health, taking a hit like rolling a 6 for 12 damage seems kind of risky if you either don't one-hit the enemy or don't have any other way to deal out the rest of the needed damage. I would for sure play that with dwarven mages for sure though because they are tough mages for being the least mobile race of the three. I think about it now and you could always use Impenetrable Nimbus to completely negate the damage of Blood Spike perhaps? I'd still have to have heals on hand personally.
  14. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Unpreventable goes through Nimbus.
    timeracers, wereviper and WexMajor like this.
  15. wereviper

    wereviper Ogre

  16. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge

    Yep, unpreventable is just that. Unpreventable.
    wereviper likes this.
  17. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Unless you convert it with negative energy being.
    wereviper likes this.
  18. adajon

    adajon Thaumaturge

    Deathly Gaze
    Boost, Silver+ Quality
    Play Effect: 'Trait. Attach to self, Duration 3.'
    Reaction: 'At the start of each round, deal 3 unpreventable Unholy damage to all characters in your line of sight in front of you.'
  19. adajon

    adajon Thaumaturge

    Deathly Aura
    Armor/Boost, Silver+ Quality
    Reaction 1: 'Armor 1. Keep.' (chance: 5+)
    Reaction 2: 'When another character within 2 squares takes damage, add 2 to that damage. Keep.' (chance: 3+)
    wereviper, WexMajor and timeracers like this.
  20. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Wow that does a lot of unpreventable damage, penetrating is one thing but unpreventable is for the most part unpreventable.

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