"Ready to Strike" not minimizing after triggered

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Flatmouse, Dec 1, 2016.

  1. Flatmouse

    Flatmouse Kobold

    In a ranked multiplayer match, Batford's Kitchen, my opponent moved next to my warrior in the victory squares, triggering Ready to Strike.

    Ready to Strike enlarged like a card normally does when played, except over top of my other cards in my warrior's hand rather than centered over the battlefield. It failed the roll, and then instead of minimizing back to my warrior's hand it stayed enlarged, covering all but one of her cards.

    Turn passed to me, and I was unable to select any of the cards underneath it. I could highlight it and my reliable mail card to it's right, but not the attack cards it was covering. At end of round I was able to discard it and my game was normal from then on.

    This is the first time the card has triggered for me, and the first time I've seen any card do this, so I don't know at this time if it's a recurring bug or not. Game was in full screen mode. Any other details needed let me know.
  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    If you see this again or anyone else sees it, please let us know in this thread.
  3. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    Do you recall what card your opponent used to move next to you?
  4. Flatmouse

    Flatmouse Kobold

    Darn I don't remember. It was a priest in vampire form, but I don't remember the specific move card.

    On the plus side I was getting trounced so hard that match the glitch didn't cause me any grief :)
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.

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