This start happening since feb 13 (I think) it always happen, the game just do 2 of damage instead of 4
It worked before the update, spark generator worked with big/little zap too and they are arcane too but now It stoped, maybe now is working right? because Im 100% sure it worked before the update
Spark Generator reaction text: Add 2 damage to any Electrical Attack you play. Subtract 3 from Block rolls against any Arcane attack you play. This means Penetrating Zap is WAI. iirc, it has always been 2 dam. Big zap/little zap are also arcane damage. I think you are confusing spark generator with smthg else. Which update were you referring to ?'ll be easier to check if a fix was made looking at beta changelogs.
He is probably confused because it triggered before blocks against goblins earlier or something i can say for sure that as long as i have been in the beta i have never seen any zaap card get a damage increase from the buff cards.
Like I said it before Im 100% sure that it worked BEFORE the update, my mage save my ass many times just because of that 4 dmg (2+2) penetrating, but yes It say arcane so maybe now its working how It supposed to be working in the first place
As far as I can tell it always used to be arcane damage. As any zap spell is arcane damage while sparks are eletrical. Spark Generator triggers on any arcane spell - reducing rolls by 3 but not adding any extra damage.
Yes I never said it wasnt arcane but I swear by my beta account that it worked in the past, like I said before It even worked with big/little zap too! Maybe it was bugged in the past but it really worked adding extra dmg