Looty lies at Valley of Tezkal (level 7). Thanks to the unidentified benefactress! UURRRE(E) Woodhome's Wound, (Stookster's Amulet)
Looty-loo's at Tree Forts of the Goblin King (level 12). A tip of the steel hat to the anonymous fairy seeker! UURREE(R) Toughness, Bloody Bracelet
Loot Fairy has alighted at The Wizard's Workshop (level 2). Thanks to the unrevealed arcanoentomologist! UURRRE(E) Sparking Shell, (Silver Candelabra)
TWW #1: UURRRR(r) TWW #2: URRRRR(r) PtD #1: RtRRRRtR(R) PtD #2: UURREEt(R) Sergeant's Helm, Golden Idol
LotYD #1: UtRRtRtRR(E) Bloodfoot Robes LotYD #2: UURREE(R) Sliding Boots, Riptide BT #1: UtURRRE(R) Eych's Amulet BT #2: UUtRtRtLLt(R) Xemu's Staff, Tarnished Crown