New new Player Help!!!

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Dontbejello87, Jul 5, 2016.

  1. Dontbejello87

    Dontbejello87 Kobold

    I am very green to this game but it seems like so much fun. I cant really find any sites where you can get deck building help. was wondering is there any sites where there is like decklist. Need help on maybe level ten builds. All i can really find is alot of level 24 stuff.
  2. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    If you need help with campaign adventures. I suggest browsing / posting on the Adventure Discussion and Strategy subforum. It contains general and module-specific strategies and builds.
    DupleX likes this.
  3. DupleX

    DupleX Champion of Cardhuntria

    The level that it says next to the characters in builds isn't always accurate since characters get temporarily leveled down when you run lower level adventures, generally it is pretty safe to ignore that line and judge the level of the build by the adventure it is built for. :)
  4. Dontbejello87

    Dontbejello87 Kobold

    That doesn't make any sense with all due respect. if i am new and you saying hey the levels dont match but i need these yellow token things for these weapons. How can i just ignore the levels like it don't matter.
  5. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Maybe start with the New Player FAQ. You get your first major (yellow) power tokens at character level 15. Since campaign adventures temporarily reduce your character levels to a maximum of adventure lvl + 2, that means you get to use major token items at level 13 adventures at the earliest.

    If you're struggling with or looking for a lvl 10 build, then major token items won't be any help for you.

    I suggest reading the New Player FAQ linked above and then making more specific questions about campaign adventures on the Adventure Discussion and Strategy subforum or here, if you're looking for multiplayer / PvP builds.
  6. Dontbejello87

    Dontbejello87 Kobold

    havent played any pvp builds
  7. Dontbejello87

    Dontbejello87 Kobold

    and also is all the items that you see in these list how do you know if they can end up in the shop?
  8. Vlamona

    Vlamona Thaumaturge

    All items can end up in a shop. The rarer they are the less often they do. The order of rarity is: Common - Uncommon - Rare - Epic - Legendary.

    Common items are always available, if you are at a high enough level that the shops have appeared. If you hover your mouse over a shop it will tell you the minimum level of the items in that shop.

    Uncommon items appear in the same shops as the common items.

    Rare, Epic and Legendary items only appear in the Daily Deal and Randimar's Rarities.
  9. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    I think what he means is that Character Level is usually listed when builds are posted, but experienced players can take high level characters and play lower level adventures with low level builds, therefore just because the Character Level says "24" that doesn't necessarily mean the build requires a level 24 character. Therefore what matters is finding builds for the Adventure Level you need help with, and don't worry about the character level listed.

    For example:
    The following character would be able to be equipped for any level 9 adventure or higher as long as the character has earned 5 or more (minortoken) (which happens at Character Level 11). EVEN THOUGH, the character is listed as a level 24 character. Ultimately all that matters is whether or not you have the number of power tokens necessary for the build.

    Character Name
    Level 24 Dwarf Warrior -> This level doesn't matter!!!!

    Hope that helps! :)
    CT5, Macizo and DupleX like this.
  10. Galvatron

    Galvatron Orc Soldier

    Not all Epic and Legendary items are worth the coin and many good items have cheaper substitutes.
    JakeAlmighty and Derek like this.
  11. Derek

    Derek Orc Soldier

    This is the quote to live by for new players. Remember that gold is precious, and, that buying quality items is a privilege in this game. What I mean by that is, good items are hard to come by, so while buying items to complete a synergistic build is essential, buying items to start a build is a recipe for disaster.

    My recommendation is to play the full campaign. You'll learn a lot about the game just playing. By the time you're done you'll be itching for multiplayer and will finally have enough items to put together a viable team. This allows you to establish a baseline which can and should guide your future purchases. Its important to let the items you already have guide your purchases, rather than builds posted here, because the builds here are filled with epics and legendaries and owning just a couple is typically useless. A synergized team with "substitute" item options is better than a "epic item I found on the forums + random items" build.

    Good luck and I hope you enjoy this fantastic game! :D
    Tyro likes this.

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