hey forum, returning to the game - I beat the main campaign before, coming back now to play a bunch and do some multiplayer. is there a good list anywhere of top tier cards I should be on the lookout for? thanks!
For starters: Parry Vicious Thrust Greater Heal Impenetrable Nimbus Sparkling Cloth Armor Reliable Mail I'm sorry but am too busy to add more to this list. i hope you'll be able to decide them yourself in a month or two.
Setups that are most cheap and easy to do are 3xElven Warriors and 2xElven Warriors+Priest (usually Human). For items check here http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/cult-of-the-bejeweled.6987/ Using only basic shops' items can bring you to about 1300-1400 elo pvp rating, so it doesnt require epic/legendaries. ______________________________ There are other simple effective builds too: ______________________________ 3x Human Wiz (based on Cold Laser and Festering Guts) http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/epicless-gut-control.9433/ ______________________________ 3x Human Wiz (dmg/control) http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/hot-winds-for-a-new-era.6889/#post-113282 ______________________________ 3x Human Wiz (Huge Electrical Single Target Damage, combo-based Overloaded Staff / Advanced Flexibility) http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/direct-damage-leadership-wizards.8735/ ______________________________ For sure its intersting to try your own setup;D But at least here are good ideas For future builds you can take a look what ppl do use at higher ranks: http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/some-team-1700.9731/ http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/soularmadyls-super-squadrons-1800-league-legends.8771/