Your ideas for tweaking/nerfing some cards?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Lucky Dice, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    I meant the value Vakaz's Item Creator gives it. I assume that's the in-game value of it too.
  2. Magic Elves

    Magic Elves Thaumaturge

    What if Hit the Deck had the Immovable keyword when attached? That would be both thematic and a good buff.
    rinco69, Maniafig and WexMajor like this.
  3. Valadilene

    Valadilene Lizardman Priest

    There isn't much interaction possible with demonic revenge (Boosted heal, NEB...). Would like to see it being preventable by armor.

    Most of the time you can only patch up the damage it does. How are you supposed to play around it? Loner and brainburn have ways to prevent damage taken.
  4. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    What would be the effect if Mystical Drakehide and Mystical Wyrmhide were classified as Free Card? It would make the combination of Meztis Wyrmhide Robes and Nasrum's Moccasins possible (for a cost of (majortoken)(majortoken)), for example, and would make buffed bursting more manageable for wizards. And make the Wyrmhide playable.

    I have no clue what it does to the value of the cards and the items they are on. I just thought it would make them more playable.
    Last edited: May 27, 2016
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  5. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    i feel they are almost fair... going the free card route might be a bit much though, maybe 3+ the effect?
    I find the battle rage armor effect interesting, a radical idea would be to conceive these hides as trait /attaching armor. Stone feet with benefits.

    In general the Wyrmhide could profit from an armor bump to 2. Reliable mail + attachment reflection sounds like an interesting deal.
  6. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    Have Mimetic Armor create a Long Spark instead of a Spark when hit by magic. Same damage, less hard to block, but more range - mimetic armor should provide the range to equal burst attacks.

  7. I'd be all for acid mages getting some love! I run one semi regularly in MP if possible, biggest issue is acid jet is hard to come by on items ( only staves have it and the best ones only have 2 of it )when compared to burst cards and item token costs for acid cards are silly at times! An item with 3 acid spray still costs a gold token! :p And most tokenless cards with acid blast have terrible handicaps on them!

    Heck there is even an item with lava pool in the game and no acid pool yet!

    Plus Acid Geysers would be a fun card, same as volcano but with acid terrain.

    Melt armor should also drop an acid terrain after hitting someone!

    Acid mages also need a card that melts blocks like War Cry!
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
    Maniafig, gulo gulo and Robauke like this.
  8. Some non acid mage suggestions too

    I would think Jim's Magic Missile should get penetrating to make up up for the fact it is unbuffable. That would make the card more fun!

    Bad Medicine should be brought back, since it gives clerics something to combo with Accelerate time. :p

    Change Quick Reactions to work on anything with range attack ( magic, reach weapons and some vamp attacks ) or at least add Unholy to the card so those enemy attacks will trigger it also! Should also be put on new items so it is more usable, since items it is on are mostly old and common or uncommon! Only non common or uncommon item using it is and that's pretty bad.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
  9. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    What do you mean by "add unholy to the card" ?
  10. So that unholy attacks will trigger it also!
  11. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    Interesting thought on Jim's, but it makes more sense to me (to cheapen the cost) to work harder to get that 6 HP damage at range 8 on a single char.

    Other than Everybody Drink! $;^ J it has sounded for awhile like the devs don't really want to give Poison to players because, if nothing else, it'd get used in MP where's there's very little counter to it.

    Most of your comments on Quick Reactions, however, just ....... confuse? astound? don't sit well with me for one reason or another:
    1. Interesting thought to make it work on anything with range more than 1, but as a big user of Quick Reactions, I wouldn't like it. It'd make it OP. Suddenly, every Stab could trigger it -- instead of it being a Magic/Projectile drawer (and/or deterrent). Also, making it specifically punish vampires? Eh. No, thank you. If you want a single card in your deck that can counter vampires a whole lot harder than 1/2 chance draw, just grab an Adaptable item. If you have one.
    2. Put on new items? Yeah. That'd be cool. $:^ b Oh.. I see they already do that. Check Pilot's Cap from the last big expansion -- AI wasn't a big expansion thus doesn't count here. $;^ J
    3. So that it's more usable? .... I mean ... I wouldn't mind it being more -usable- .. but .. it's usable, and I will use / have used many of its items.
    4. The fact that QR is so rare and yet only counts as Uncommon? To me, that's crazy talk. Nevertheless, this brings me back to the last sentence in my answer #1. "If you have [Adaptable]." What do QR items being Common or Uncommon have to do with ... anything? And I mean anything? If anything, yay, it's really easy to get QR items! Otherwise, I'm at a total loss why this sounds like a complaint. (Surely you don't equate rarity to quality... That's the only thing I can think...)
    5. Shimmering Helm is uh awesome? Tokenless helmet with three great anti-magic/ranged cards? And I mean three great anti-magic/ranged cards? Tokenless? I don't understand how "pretty bad" and this helmet go in the same description together without American 1980s-90s slang also in play. Like.. Yo, Shimmering Helm, that sucka is pretty bad. Dope, yeh? Unh. Something like that. (Lol.)
    So um yes, your various comments on QR pushed me to respond here. $F^ J
    Gingrich Yurr and Macizo like this.
  12. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Magic and Projectile are attack types, Unholy is a damage type. I know they're placed next to each other on cards, but we're talking about two entirely different categorizations. It's like talking about what should go in a fruit salad and suggesting radishes just because they can be found in the same general area as fruit in the grocery store. Just my opinion.

    I also agree with PKB that Shimmering Helm is great if you're expecting to face wizards.

    Lastly, fwiw you can link items directly to the wiki (and more neatly) by just highlighting the name after you type it and clicking the green orb in the formatting bar. (The stack of cards next to the orb will do the same thing for card names.)
    ParodyKnaveBob and timeracers like this.
  13. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    Bless might be nerfed to duration 1 - it's just too good atm.
  14. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Alternative: All Squares occupied by allies that you have of line of sight to including yourself become Blessed Terrain.
    Macizo and Lord Feleran like this.
  15. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    Also concerning once upon a time happened changes (read: nerfs) to our 17 and 20 damage attacks, since the on-block damages
    a) won't get doubled up by AoA
    b) won't get applied any frenzy/Savage Curse buffs
    c) are too small to begin with
    I suggest buffing them. Pulverizing Bludgeon could deal 9 damage when blocked and Pulverizing Hack 12.
    These cards used to be scary. Currently they're not. And they all come on items with a lot worse cards. No reason for anyone to prefer them over a Bejeweled Shortsword.
    Macizo, trrst and timeracers like this.
  16. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    I would rather have the damage be penetrating. 'shaken to the bone'.
    Macizo, Maniafig, timeracers and 2 others like this.
  17. I didn't like putting reach weapons in the suggestion ( especially for Campaign balance where it would be super OP. ) , but I felt like Quick Reactions does need a little love, I use it off and on and honestly have never ever seen anyone else use it in MP, not even in QD. I thought adding unholy on it would make it a good deterrent for Vamps and they need more stuff to be afraid of because turn spamming is one of the most annoying things to me ( besides watching harnesses, buff free card harness rolls ).

    Pilot's Cap, Energetic Helmet & Wyvern Hide Helmet are my favorite uses of Quick Reactions. I usually avoid fumble and wimpy like the plague so won't use the QR items with them. l am not a fan of Shimmering Aura on warriors, would rather use real armor on them! Nothing worse than having two armor cards that don't stop melee attacks.

    The Common and Uncommon comment, was just a reflection of the fact it just needs more interesting items with it on it.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
  18. Thanks !
    ParodyKnaveBob and Scarponi like this.
  19. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    I repeat what Scarponi said a few posts back: unholy is DAMAGE type. Quick Reactions works against projectile attacks that cause unholy damage (like Unholy Wellspring) but not against draining attacks because these are melee and not magic/projectile.

    I remember I used Fool's Coif for a long time in multiplayer when I had just started. Didn't like armor cards too much back then :)
    ParodyKnaveBob and timeracers like this.
  20. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    I had a different idea about QR earlier. It's in a weird place, really, this little card. It's a boost that's not a trait, which is shared with only one other card that's available to players (Uncanny Dodge), but... man is it awkward. You have 1 of that and 2 mimetic armors vs Wizards. What do?

    I think one of two things can be done with it:
    • Less extreme: Change the roll to 3+ and raise the quality a bit. Gold, mayhaps?
    • More extreme: Make it a free card and raise its quality. That thing could also benefit stuff like Memory Loss and other perplexions.

    Oh, and also, a small post about some mechanics and cards is here:

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