Do you mean the start of each round? $8^ | If so, this is a pretty cool card. If not, ... ooohhh wow, purple quality. $8^ | This could be a very interesting monster card. $:^ ] Sacrificial Heal? Self-Giving Heal? Hmmmm. I love the idea of 10 unpreventable *holy* damage. That's interesting. $:^ J
Speed burst gives you free move for 2 squares at the beginning of every turn you have it in hand. You can play it, it becomes an attachment.
Ooops! Handicap/trait Duration 2 When you draw one or more cards and it's not the beginning of a turn, you draw an extra card and then discard a random card
Interesting. I would suggest the following rephrasing : At the start of each round, discard your oldest armor card. Every time an enemy plays a card other than a move card without targeting you, heal yourself 1.
Earthshaking Burst Attack - Magic Arcane, Emerald Quality Range 8, Damage 5 Play Effect: 'Burst 2. Unbuffable. Place affected characters on a random adjacent square and set their facing randomly.'
Life Redistribution Utility - Magic Holy, Amethyst Quality Play Effect: 'Randomly redistribute the life points of every character.' Imagine all the life point values of every character being collected in, then handed out randomly. Life points still wouldn't be able to exceed a character's total life point value.
Reckless Potion Assist/Attack - Magic Holy, Gold+ Quality, Range 3 Play Effect: 'Heal 12 and attach this card to target. Melee Frenzy 3, Keep. At the start of each round, target takes 5 unpreventable Holy damage, Keep. Duration 3.'
Telefrag Move/Attack, Amethyst Quality Play Effect: 'Move 3, Teleport. You must end this move more than 1 square away from your starting position. You may move into a square occupied by another character; if you do, kill that character.' This would be a monster-only card, of course. I added the limitation of having to end the move more than 1 square away from the starting position to make it less overpowered - it gives players a 'safe spot'.
I've thought about what if there were more astral guardians, based on the rest of the chess pieces. And I thought the one based on the knight woud have a card similar to that, except it woud move like a chess knight. But the chess knight move is probably too complicated to explain on a card so the telefrag woud probably be better.
Phase Through Move X You can make this move only trough blocking terrain. You move in a straight line, to the next unoccupied square.
How about these cards for a King-themed guardian: King Strike Crushing Melee Attack - 50 Damage, Amethyst Quality, Range 1 Play Effect: 'You may not turn when playing this attack. Penetrating.' King Push Arcane Magic Utility, Silver Quality Play Effect: Push 2 with Free Move all enemies adjacent to you. Do not change your facing.' King of Guardians Boost/Handicap, Gold Quality Play Effect: 'Trait. Attach to self, Duration 5. Armor 3, Keep.' Reaction 1: 'Whenever you play a move card, you may move all other allies that amount as well. Keep.' Reaction 2: 'When you die, the opponent automatically wins.'
I like the first two, but I would have liked them on some King Guard - a 1x1 character on a level 25 scenario which is the second to last part of an adventure.
Anti-Burfft Block Block, Gold Quality Reaction (chance 3+): ''Block any. If this blocks a Burst card with increased damage due to attached enemy cards, replace all cards with the Burst keyword in the attacker's deck with Weak Strike cards. Keep.' lol
Maul - Monster card - Melee attack - Type crushing Range 3 - Damage 11 You can't attack enemies adjacent to you. Slide back 2
Frost Knife Magic attack - Type ice Range 4 - Damage 3 Encumber 2, linear Avalanche Magic attack - Type ice Range 5 - Damage 2 Burst 1, encumber 2