Card Ideas

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by timeracers, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. Vlamona

    Vlamona Thaumaturge

    I like the card, but it would be pretty useless on a warrior.

    One could avoid the effect by moving ones characters out of sight, so maybe a roll 3+ instead?
  2. Fanturluche

    Fanturluche Thaumaturge

    I have suggested something like that, without the saving roll.
    WexMajor likes this.
  3. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge


    Magic attack - Type Radiation
    Range 3 - Damage 2
    Attach a random handicap card to affected characters and to yourself.
  4. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge


    Magic attack - Type fire
    Range 4 - Damage 1
    Attach to target. At the beginning of the turn target recieves 1 Penetrating fire damage. Duration 4.
    Last edited: May 13, 2016
  5. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge

    Acid Spit

    Magic attack - Type acid
    Range 3 - Damage 3
    Target discards his oldest armor
    Attach to target, Burning 1. Duration 3
  6. Solip

    Solip Orc Soldier

    Randomly Generated Blow (Image ideas i have: Either a broken stick/club with a dice on it or just a sword that has dice elements on it (Like an engraved dice on the hilt etc.) Roll a die. Whatever you roll is your damage. If you roll 2 or less, keep. | Another idea is the same as an armor. Randomly Generated Armor (No idea for an illustration.) Roll a die. Whatever you roll will block your incoming damage. This card is discarded after use.
  7. adajon

    adajon Thaumaturge

    Too similar to Major Erratic Damage.
    Potatus likes this.
  8. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge


    Black quality

    Trait. Attach to self. Duration 2.
    Whenever an ally in front of you plays a card affecting you, any block in your hand can be triggered as if that ally's card were played by an enemy. Keep.

    But-- but whose side are they REALLY on?

    other possibilities:
    • Handicap|Boost (because it can be used helpfully in some slightly fringe cases; however, the bigger question comes with radiation: it's probably more of a boost when specifically built for instead of randomly acquiring, which makes me think Handicap-only is probably best)
    • any quality range from Black- to Paper+ ... or of course Bronze if Flax's "every trait secretly starts at Bronze" concept gets through any rebalance...
    • Duration 3
    • But-- but what if they're one of THEM?
    • Sometimes, I even suspect myself...
    Last edited: May 19, 2016
    Gingrich Yurr and tolkien like this.
  9. Vlamona

    Vlamona Thaumaturge

    Maybe a simpler card, you can't be targeted by an ally.

    Or maybe you can't target an ally. (To be on priest items.)
  10. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    Range 6
    Heal the total number of members in your guild.
    I am not biased or anything. ~ Flax
    ParodyKnaveBob and timeracers like this.
  11. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    The grammar of it is messing with me. So how about this
    Heal 1 times the number of members in your guild.
    tolkien likes this.
  12. adajon

    adajon Thaumaturge

    Or, 'Heal 0. Add 1 to the amount healed for each member in your guild.'
  13. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge

    Ok, back to work.


    Your hp can't go lower than 1.
    Discard this card after it triggers.
  14. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    Status Stasis

    ? quality (something costly probably)

    Attach to target. No attachments may be added nor discarded from target. Duration 1.
    Range 5
    adajon likes this.
  15. seth arue

    seth arue Thaumaturge

    I'm thinking more Die Hard, seeing as this reminds me of the D&D feat with the same name.
    timeracers likes this.
  16. adajon

    adajon Thaumaturge

    Powered Heal
    Assist, Emerald/Amethyst Quality?
    Play Effect: 'Target draws a card, then immediately discards it. Heal 0. Add the quality rating of the card drawn to the amount healed.'
    Reaction, on a roll of 5+: 'When you draw a card, Heal yourself equal to the quality rating of that card. Keep.'

    What I mean by this is the value of the card when determining item levels; so Paper = 0, Bronze = 3, Silver = 6 etc. If a card with Tar quality was drawn, it would deal 3 damage to the target. Pluses and minuses also affect the amount healed.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  17. adajon

    adajon Thaumaturge

    Body Odour
    Boost/Handicap, Bronze Quality?
    Play Effect: 'Trait. Attach this card to yourself, Duration 3.'
    Reaction 1, on a roll of 4+: 'Whenever another character moves adjacent to you, they take 3 poison damage. Keep.'
    Reaction 2: 'At the start of the round, deal 3 poison damage to all adjacent characters. Keep.'
    WexMajor and ParodyKnaveBob like this.
  18. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge

    Speed Burst

    At the start of the turn free move 2.
    Attach to self. All your move cards have free move. Duration 1
  19. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge


    Magic assist - Type holy
    Range 4
    Attach to target - Duration 3
    At the beginning of the turn, target discards his oldest armor card.
    Every time an enemy plays a card and is not targeting you, you heal 1 hp.
    Move cards won't trigger sanctuary.
  20. adajon

    adajon Thaumaturge

    Damage Relocation
    Assist, Emerald Quality, Range 3
    Play Effect: 'Attach to target, Duration 2.'
    Reaction 1: 'When you would take damage less than your health point total, deal that damage to another random character instead. Keep.'
    Reaction 2: 'When you would take damage equal to or more than your health point total, kill another random character instead. Keep.'

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