I consider both The Softener and Skull Of Savage Iljin a must buy. (and I don't think it matters if you only play SP or MP either)
I like the item, but I'd rather farm rares than buy them. I've gotten 7 of these just from league chests and playing the EttSC modules a few times. If you don't have EttSC unlocked, playing MM or normal mode AI will work too.
Can afford One Legendary and One Epic. Which One should I buy from each Class? Avakiria's Cup have 0 Barnum's Staff have 0 Illusion have 1 Reynoldo's Boots have 0 Sahagun's Sword have 0 Croker's Lucky Laser Shield have 0 Smoke On The Water have 0
Either Avakiria's Cup or Barnum's Staff; they are both solid burning items. I wouldn't buy either of those epics. Instead I'd be farming enough money to buy both of my mentioned legendaries.
Barnum is nice if you want some extra damage for a major+minor without having to worry about your position too much or having to draw bad cards,reynoldo look like the best minor token boots for cycling if you like that since all other options leave you with less than three move cards.
In Randimars this week: 1st Perfect Agility 2nd Captain Cedric's Boots 2nd Hawkwind's Moccasins 1st Snitrick's Shield 2nd Xander's Mail I only have 5K gold, any suggestions?
I'd pick up Hawkwind's Moccasins #2 because there aren't good replacements for these and Perfect Agility because it is shiny and new
Those are the two items I was thinking of myself, but the problem is I've been trying to keep some gold on me as of late to make sure I'll have enough money to buy anything really good like Asmod's if it comes up. It's a difficult decision whether to buy both, only Hawkwinds, or only Perfect Agility.
Perfect Agility doesn't look perfect IMO. I would say that Uncanny Dodge looks like a very bad defense mech. IDK what to say about the other item coz the new play demands TP self. Your choice really... I would skip them coz I have found Boots Of Safety to be a very strong item for any map rotation. Just like the Double-edged Sword.
1st Chalchu's Hammer 2ndFocused Thinker 2ndHeartripper 2ndWym's Fiery Bangle also 4th Nimbus Blade. What do I prioritize? Probably the Heartripper, Chalchu, Thinker and Wym's?
Heartripper then Focused Thinker if you have use for a second one. Otherwise I'll be saving up money.
My RR has been quite gracious to me this week. Here what it offers: Avakiria's Cup Bloodchopper Gloomthirst The Perforator Vira's Shimmering Robes Wellington's Shield(I have 1 Snitrick's Shield and 1 Eeygonnic's Shield). Also 1 Flame Warper, but I already bought it . I can buy maybe 2 of them max.? 1 is guaranteed.
Congrats on the Flame Warper; I've been looking for one (and more) ever since EttSC was released. When it comes to other items, none are really a must have; Avakiria's Cup is a solid burning item and Bloodchopper is rather nice in some of the SP adventures. Others I wouldn't even consider buying.
New things I could pick up: Jaguar Spirit Staff Quick Jon's Buckler Red Jon's Staff St. Portia's Mail Uula's Whirling Robes Anything worthwhile?
Though they're very good and probably the best, they aren't "irreplaceable". There are many good boots in the game, and the best of them are just a bit weaker than these boots. There are Mouse Boots, Boots Of Etzicatl (for warriors), Ulalia's Boots (for mages), Sliding Boots and Diamong Moccasins. Now Perfect Agility is really irreplaceable. I plan to build an Elven Wizard with it, to hide behind a wall when somebody would target him. "Targeted by enemy attack" isn't limited to melee!