1.replace all copies of Disorienting Block with Acrobatic Flip remove disorienting block from the game and make a new card instead. No need for doubles 2. add some more items that have three/six copies of a card, depending on the slot. These items are my favorite! They always have neat flavor and cool ideas! 3. add flavor text to the items! This would be tedious and irritating to do so, but it would be cool 4. make use of monster cards. Theres plenty of balanced monster cards and possibly some old cards that got scrapped the team could use, why not make use of them? 5.make more wizard skills and better warrior skills. Right now, wizards are only able to be pyromancers and electromancers; I am not counting teleportation because dimensional traveler doesn't affect your cards being played. Perhaps we need acid and cold skills and maybe even arcane skills? Warrior skills are just boring, we need some cooler ones that do fun stuff; this is an idea that is totally not going to happen but is fun to think about: turn all blugeoning damage cards into bashes (slide back), give all piercing attacks penetrating, give all slashing cards chop (hit two targets) 6.fix savage curse and radiation handicaps. Savage curse needs to stop applying its full effect to wizards, radiation handicaps should be purgable from your own allies. 7.Move hawlics glowing shirt to priest. Just something that irks me that each class but priest has hawlic gear 8.Make holy versions of each unholy buff. I would like to have a holy focused priest, just kinda seems strange a priest has no qualms about healing with one hand and ripping someones soul out with the other