[Suggestion] Some minor card buffs to consider

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Deepweed, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. It would tend to get pushed off after a few turns anyway I would think.
  2. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    can't we ignore Datas positronic misfire and get back to my serious suggestion of 1 round -2? I mean it mirrors fragile curse, really cant say that would suddenly elevate bad luck above its current quality.
    timeracers likes this.
  3. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge

    Yes. And a "tank" type warrior (heavy on armor and parries) cries blood. That is an awful proposal.
  4. Derek

    Derek Orc Soldier

    I'd like to refer to the OP, but, its important to note, I think, I rarely ever use wizards, and am speaking only as someone who rips his hair out upon seeing 2 or more of them.

    The first set of suggestions all seem very reasonable. Many low quality arcane cards have pitiful range and equally poor damage output. All of the suggestions in the first half of the post would increase the viability of wizards for newer players. Initially, I had concerns that increasing the damage on common/uncommon items would really make the wizard + buff priest combo overpowered, however, I've since realized that more experienced players who can complete these focused builds would likely be using rare or better items that don't have these cards anyway. Even if they did opt for items with these cards they'd lose some trait cycling.

    The second set of suggestions I'll go through a little more carefully:
    Laser Beacon(s): I don't think this change would do much for the card's viability. I have no real qualms.
    Acid Spray: This is meant to be worse than Acid Jet. I see this as an "oh no I let that elf warrior get too close, let me at least remove his armor" card. The fact that you get 2 layers of difficult terrain seems good enough, unless your using a dwarf, which is already an overused race for wizards. Even then, if the warrior you let get too close is a dwarf himself he'd need several step attacks to be viable the next turn. The last thing we need is another reason to run a dwarf with VP. Wizards are already the masters of movement, they don't need any more. I wouldn't be opposed to more items with acid jet, though, as I think its pretty balanced but rarely seen.
    Reflexive Teleport: This change would keep other wizards in check so I'm not too upset by this proposed change. Nonetheless, I suspect this card's usage would increase and that would be quite annoying for the aforementioned movement related reasons.
    Wall of Illusion: This change makes me cringe, but admittedly wall of illusion is a very sad looking silver card. I think 4 is more than fair. 5, and I might need to throw a fit, not because it'd be overpowered, but just to affirm my hate for wizards ;)
    Maniafig and Robauke like this.
  5. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    Prbly was brought forward at some point somewhere, but how about changing Wall of Illusion to Illusionary Pillar? (one square, same duration as barrier).
  6. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge

    I think the usability of such a card would be severely limited. On a cramped map, sure, go on. On an open place... it would be nearly useless.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
  7. realm151

    realm151 War Monkey

    burst 1, duration 1 would be very interesting...
    Robauke likes this.
  8. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    Why not skip burst 1 and got straight for spray.
  9. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge

    Pillar spray?!? That sounds great. And impractical too.
    Yeah, mainly impractical.

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