Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. degensquared

    degensquared War Monkey

    Thanks a bundle, Pawndawan! :)
  2. Melancthon

    Melancthon Ogre

    If you feel like White Flame gives you too many Instant Burns, keep your eyes open for Red Flame. I personally love White Flame, but Red may be the compromise you are looking for.
  3. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

  4. Cooldood

    Cooldood Kobold

    I've got four Asmods TK Chain, and want another two (to have two for each wizard in 3 wizard team). They're that good!
    FDrybob likes this.
  5. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    FDrybob likes this.
  6. Ector

    Ector Hydra

  7. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    • Asmod's Telekinetic Chain: Two chains is good. Four is better and six is nice in the long run, but might not be what you should be looking for at the moment. If you're playing quite a lot MP and especially leagues with water terrain, this should be your first pick.
    • Barnum's Staff: Nice burn staff. I like to use this on lvl 16 - 17 monkey and forest / tree levels. This or one of the other Ember Burst staves is the way to go, if you want to build a dedicated burn wizard for MP. Do note they're extremely expensive to build, since they essentially want also legendary arcane items to get as many Glob Of Flames / Flame Jets as possible.
    • Ferocity: Good and nice to have, but I would get Asmod's, Barnum's and bunch of epics before this.
    • Shieldripper: Nope, for Unnerving Strikes, I'd get that Maquah Of Ancient Blood or be on the lookout for Riptide or Ztoli Branch.
    • Superb Toughness: No, keep going. If you have this much gold to even consider this, get that Ferocity instead.
    • Maquah Of Ancient Blood: My favourite (minortoken) weapon, both for SP and MP. Consider getting this.
    • Raging Rock: Quite nice as well. All three epics you listed are solid. If I'd have to rank the buy order, Raging Rock would be the last one to get.
    • Ring Of Appropriation: One ring to rule them all is good. Four is better and six is nice in the long run. Unless you don't run (control) wizards at all, this would be my first epic pick out of your list.
    Not that good RR selection for me, but I might still buy those boots, since I'm already in a collection completion mode.
    FDrybob likes this.
  8. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

  9. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Oh poor me, I don't have even a single Telekinetic Chain, and I do need six! :(:(:(
  10. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    It depends on the number of your Bleneth items and the number of priests in your team. I'd say one is enough, two is maximum.
    One is enough most of the time, unless you're playing two burning wizards.
    I'd say none since there are cheaper items with Accelerate Time.
    Definitely none. Command Stone is much better.
    I can imagine a pure slashing warrior with two of them. So it's hard to tell how many you may need... but not more than 4 I guess :)
    It's a very good item for 500 gold. I have three, but that was prior to Stargod's Raiments. I guess two is the right number.
    FDrybob, BlackVoidDeath and j3st3ri like this.
  11. For Reality Warper I have to respectfully disagree with my elder. Sure, there are cheaper AT items but there aren't better ones (the only one that even comes close to competing is Flame Warper which is also legendary). I'd buy up to 4 at least so I can have a dedicated AT wiz.
    BlackVoidDeath, Macizo and CT5 like this.
  12. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Aha, I smell a good discussion! Let's start with the assumption that AT party is almost ineviitably a Volcano/Bless/Healing Beacon party. Right, you can use it to activate burning effects too, but Instant Burn is much cheaper for that. So if you're playing AT, you're playing terrain. You may have all three wizards, or 2 wizards + a priest.

    Now let's take Disruptive Warp Pistol and compare it to Reality Warper. Four cards make the difference: Whirlwind Enemies, Force Cannon, Short Perplexing Ray and Telekinesis. Which of these cards is the best for the mentioned party? Telekinesis, no doubts. It can move the enemy right onto lava or move your char from it. Which of these cards is the weakest? Short Perplexing Ray. You need a target at range 4 to play it, and what are you going to do versus the wizards who refuse to come close? Even if your opponent has the warriors which are chasing you, the card is too weak to stop them. You just do a minor annoyance to them and move 1 square! If the opponent performed a mass move and reached your wizard, will SPR do much? The warrior is likely to have a lot of step attacks, and he will still kill your wizard, maybe a turn later.
    WWE is great for a mass Volcano deck since it doesn't require LOS. You may spam lava, wait until the enemies move, spam again, and finally just move them randomly hoping to spoil their plans. Sometimes you will break their formation and force them to either attack you with a single char or spend a whole turn to restore the formation. And sometimes you will even steal a VP point from them by moving their char our of victory area.
    Force Cannon is awesome for this deck since it has range 5 (long enough) and slides the enemy char 4 squares. That's very strong. A timely Force Cannon usually means victory.

    So the Reality Warper has the best one of the four cards and the worst one. How it can be called "better"?
  13. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    there is one other use - you can purposefully run out of cards to give your opponent a false sense of security, you know, a cano-free turn, only to use it anyways and SPR yourself out by using it on an empty-handed party member.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  14. Cooldood

    Cooldood Kobold

    Hi Mr Ector!

    I'm not sure that a timely force cannon usually means victory, that's a pretty big statement! Nor is SPR necessarily "weakest" of the four you mentioned. Why can't a timely SPR can mean victory, too!?!

    Also, you can be dedicated Accel. Time wiz just by having four arcane items with AT on them! If anything, being dedicated AT wiz to me means streamlining your wiz with traits so that you maximize your chances of drawing one of the four accel time cards on your 36-card wiz. Just sayin :)
  15. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    That's simple. If you push an enemy warrior 4 squares away, that means that warrior isn't going to reach you next turn. And your deck is designed to kill at range. On the next turn he may draw some moves, but you will also draw some cards, and they may contain other Force Cannons or similar controlling effects.
    Force Cannon differs from SPR in "virtual card advantage". The warriors rarely have the cards with Move 4, so they will have to spend several cards just to counter one Cannon. SPR, on the other side, is an equal trade: you lose one card, and the opponent loses one. All profit you get from this is just a short move...

    How this is related to the discussion? You can have four Pistols as well as four Warpers, they cost the same.
  16. Deepweed

    Deepweed Thaumaturge

    I've used almost all of the Warpers now for numerous games and quite a few builds now. I have to say Reality Warper is the best, in my opinion. TK is just that good. SPR doesn't fit in every build or matchup, but it's always a 1-for-1 card trade with the opponent with a free move.

    If you may notice, Reality Warper is one of the only items (if not the only item) with an Emerald+Silver+Bronze quality combo, since it's Level 21. SPR is undercosted for a major token spent on this item because normally it should be a Bronze card. This in itself is a reason why it's so good.

    As for how many of it you should have, I would say 2 is a good number for a lot of builds. Using 3 would be akin to running Bewlin's Baffling Bauble, which is not good if your wizard isn't truly Range 4-focused. The max I would use in a viable build is probably 4, but this would be a legendary-heavy build. 8 could work in my mind but it's not as niche as Asmod's.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
  17. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    It did and I did.

    I'm now down to 750 gold and have Cursed Radcannon (have 1 already) and St. Portia's Maul available if I want to play a lot this week.
    Sir Veza and FDrybob like this.
  18. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

    Highly recommend St. Portia's Maul. I use it in SP whenever I need to free up some tokens.
  19. Pyrious

    Pyrious Hydra

    I can afford two legendaries, but I'd have to sell a legendary treasure (whatever).

    Four of my RRs seem interesting this week:
    What should I do? ;p
  20. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

    Honestly, if I had to choose, it'd be the Maquah. I'll go through what I like and don't like about each item.

    Boots Of Etzicatl - Brutal Charge can be good, but only in conjunction with other cards. Three of them together for a minor token doesn't seem as good as Diamond Moccasins or some other good minor token boots.

    White Flame - I think that Red Flame is better, but I guess that surplus of Instant Burn could be good if you've got enough legendaries to fill your deck with fire spells.

    Gauixl's Sacred Maquah - Seems great given the right circumstances; if you can spare the major tokens, I would pick this one.

    Mazzaram's Mighty Mattock - If you're trying to build a chopping warrior, you definitely don't want dead Able Bludgeons in your deck if you can help it. Especially since you already have a Bloodchopper. I'll admit, there aren't many great chopping weapons, but there are a lot better than this one in my opinion.

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