Adajon's MP Party

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by adajon, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. adajon

    adajon Thaumaturge

    So, I've recently made a new 1/1/1 party consisting of a Curse of Fragility priest, a step attack warrior and a fire wizard. Although it's been going well so far, I feel that my party could be improved a lot. Any feedback/suggestions would be appreciated.

    Daletel the Unholy
    Level 18 Human Priest

    Ardan Thilantor
    Level 18 Elf Warrior

    Zezar of the Fiery Doom
    Level 1 Human Wizard
  2. Killer74

    Killer74 Hydra

    I was using a team based on fragile curse before the maps rotation (fire wiz+curse priest+slidey (gusts etc.)/illusion wiz). It's quite fun.

    Not too sure about Fragile Juju, I prefer Green Lotus Roots or more Misanthrope's Pearls personally. Wreath of Steel isn't a great shield, perhaps Aegis Of The Defender if you have it, or something similar. Do you find the Sprint from Superb Command useful? Superb Medic might be bettered replaced by something cheaper/having more traits. Perhaps change one of the weapons to something without fragile curse.

    The warrior looks fairly solid except perhaps for the helmet. Perhaps a Bellowing Helm if you're worried about blocks (instead of the surestrike blessings from Fragile Juju). Possibly more chops if you wanted to maximize use of the curses? Puncturing Dagger is a bit iffy too. Cautious Mobility is actually better if you don't have lots of move cards, and only have strong move cards (such as Vicious Thrust)

    Have you any decent staffs with a few Instant Burns? It goes really, really well with fragile curse, as does Accelerate Time. I was using Overheated Staff, but Red Flame and White Flame are also good. I realise these are all legendaries though, so you mightn't have any. Stone Of Burning Dreams is too close range for a wizard. I'm not going to suggest anything as lots of the good arcane items (Sensate's Ring, Runestone are always good though) are high rarity, but you probably have something better to replace it with. Roiling Pendant is a somewhat iffy as well. Focused Pyromancy or Varied Combustion? It's not a trivial choice; but I think if you do have something with Instant Burns, Focused Pyromancy is probably better.

    Sorry if I seem overly critical. Best of luck with it.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
    Melancthon likes this.
  3. adajon

    adajon Thaumaturge

    Thanks for the reply! I've changed a few things already, but have a few questions:
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  4. Killer74

    Killer74 Hydra

    • Bug Zapper 2000 is at odds with a burning wizard. Scatter Laser could work reasonably well with lots of Fragile Curses, but other cards target multiple targets more easily. Fumble is a fairly severe handicap as well. (If I ever do drop Bug Zapper 2000, I'll probably play with it a bit, but it doesn't look like it would play too well to me. However, I can't say for sure). Forgefire Staff is more in line with a burning priest, the Sizzling Bolt and Instant Burns are obviously fine. Combustible is usually good too, and for the most part acts as a cycle card. Jarring Block isn't a bad block, either. Fire Spray will go to waste most of the time (and if it doesn't, you're either maneuvering very skilfully or are too close to the enemy). Overall it's a pretty reasonable staff for a minor token. It'd also free up a major token, which could be used for an Accelerate Time or something else. I don't know if it's good enough to replace one of your current staffs though. Staff of the Fire God has two cards that go to waste most of the time, so possibly that, though the other cards are obviously pretty strong.
    • Assegai has pretty bad handicaps. Large Weapon is crippling on most maps if it comes up. If you had ways of dealing with it, it could be alright, but a safer weapon might be easier. Blazing Shortsword, if you have it, would go well with Fragile Curse, and would also free up some tokens. Rageblood Dagger is a stronger, but more risky alternative than Puncturing Dagger. Eixocl's Hammer is my favorite double-minor, though I don't know how well it would fit here.
    • Superb Pyromancy is a decent Arcane Skill. Varied Combustion and Focused Pyromancy are probably better if you are running instant burns, if you are not, the wall of fire might be worth one less cycling card in your deck. Possibly. Cycling cards/traits are quite useful to have in deck though. The question here is (if comparing Superb to Focused Pyromancy, for example); Would I prefer a random card from my deck+an increased probability of having Firestarter attached at any given time, or Wall Of Fire? I'd personally go with the former, though it's not a clear-cut decision by any means.
  5. Deepweed

    Deepweed Thaumaturge

    I'll do a review on this in about 12-18 hours. I'm busy right now but I have a good idea as to how you could improve this deck.

    I've tinkered a whole lot with the build design of a Curse Of Fragility priest, and if this new version of my Fragility deck hits 1700 or 1800 I'll post it, too (the build concept is somewhat similar, but really epic/legendary heavy).

    Meanwhile, could you give me an idea about your collection? What items with core burning cards do you have (Instant Burn, Glob Of Flame, Flame Jet, Flame Spit, Ember Burst)? Do you have Bless items? Do you have Unholy Energy items?
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  6. adajon

    adajon Thaumaturge

    OK, thanks! In response to your feedback, I have made the following changes to my party:
    • I've switched Staff of the Fire God with Forgefire Staff in order to have more Instant Burns. I'll try it out in a few matches and see whether the lack of powerful fire cards Staff of the Fire God grants affects me too much before deciding which one to use.
    • I don't have Blazing Shortsword, Rageblood Dagger or Eixocl's Hammer, but I like the idea of using Fiery Stabs in conjunction with Accelerate Time and Curse of Fragility. Therefore, I've changed Assegai (previously Puncturing Dagger) with Flametouched Spear.
    • I don't have Focused Pyromancy, so I've changed Superb Pyromancy back to Varied Combustion again.

    I have a few items with core burning cards. Some of the best ones include the following: Staff Of The Fire God, Forgefire Staff, Roaring Staff, Kolt 45, Swamp Staff, Fireblinker Initiate, Sizzling Chain, Tangerine Staff and Spreading Flames.
    The only two Bless items I have are St Ulrich's Bones and Stargod's Raiments.
    The only items I have with Unholy Energy are Corpselight Charm, Zod's Vile Spaceplate, Coruscating Blade and Ebony Prayer Beads.

    Thanks to both of you for the help!
  7. Han Lee

    Han Lee Guild Leader

    St. Ulrich's bones and stargod raiments are the only items in the game with bless. Pair bless with accel time plus curse of fragility with burning and firestarter... you easily have a gg situation.
    Cooldood likes this.

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