Everybody loves traits

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Punf, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Punf

    Punf Lizardman Priest

    Disclaimer: This build is not meant for serious play. I haven't tested it, but it'd probably be low 1300s?

    You know what's cool? Traits. Drawing cards is one of the holy grails of Card Hunter (the other two are positioning and messing with people on world chat). Don't believe me? Look back in history at this list of dominant builds over time.

    Infinite draw priests
    3DC fuelled by traits
    Maneuvers elves

    Now that we have listed every single dominant build, without possibly having left any out whatsoever, we can clearly see that card draw is cool. But Inspiration isn't so cool, giving up a card to gain a card? Snooze. A bunch of people will tell you that choosing who gets the card is good, and proccing Altruism is good, but don't listen to them, listen to this.


    Aren't you drooling over that? No? Boy, you're lame. If you're doing it right (note: mentally append 'if you're doing it right' to any sentence in this post you disagree with until it makes sense), this guy is bronze. It'll screw you over some of the time but whatever. Traits are consistency, and every trait you get that adds consistency allows you to live with having a few of them decreasing consistency. Take Trip and for every game it makes you lose you'll win five back. Maybe. Probably not but take it anyway just because you can. If you're reading this article in the first place you're probably not looking for a 1600 build.

    Bejeweled Fatty
    Level 20 Dwarf Warrior

    13 traits means you'll usually be drawing either a Vicious Thrust or a Powerful Hack each round. Your other card isn't bad either: a mid-level armour, a mid-level block or a bash (which is probably the worst outcome, but Club was the only thing I could fit in with two traits). Bejeweled has enough raw damage that he can go toe to toe with any warrior and usually come out on top, unless they draw 2+ parries. Parry is for chumps anyway, real warriors get their cycling off traits. Also be careful with positioning him at the end of your round since he could trip afterwards. This applies to all the characters but this guy especially, since warrior and all.

    Suicide Healer
    Level 1 Dwarf Priest

    16 traits because The Deadonomicon is awesome. This guy is a powerhouse at going through his deck, paying a bit of health for a lovely cycling cake payoff. Just make sure you finish them off quickly or the self-damage might hurt in the long run. Try insulting your opponent in game chat, that should make him rush you. He has four wellsprings, which are pretty much always useful and versatile - they're a big buff to any of your characters, so give it to whichever one has the most attacks in hand. Note that with the classically strong weapons and the cycling, he only has four cards that aren't wellsprings or weapons - everything else is something wonderful. Well not the Demonic Revenges but whatever. There's also some minor synergy in that people don't usually go after priests - and especially not dwarf ones - so the self-damage can just stay largely irrelevant and get slowly Team Healed up. Hopefully. Also don't get your 16 damage bludgeons parried, that's just embarrassing for everyone.

    Level 9 Dwarf Wizard

    It's another damn burst wizard. Most burst wizards don't have 14 traits though. Armorbane Pendant is quite the hidden jewel - one card to kill armor, another card to kill armor - or non-armor, as you see fit - and a cycler which is harmless if you're doing it right. Again it's like Trip - it'll screw you over once in a while, but if you're doing it right, you'll make up for it by using the extra consistency to win more games than you lose. Well probably not but whatever. Anyway he's pretty easy to use. Take position, optionally get a wellspring off Mr. Dyingoverhere and then unleash your 3/4 ember bursts until they die or run away. Don't be afraid to use Memory Losses fairly aggressively and/or blindly, either. Especially at the start of a round - those two cards they kept are cards that they like. And if you see them discard something good, that's a huge signal to Memory Loss them. Just try not to make them discard Parry when both your other characters are on the other side of the map, and you're all set.

    Note: Any change that reduces the number of traits is automatically vetoed. Club is love, Club is life.
    timeracers and HisRoyalHygiene like this.
  2. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Note to everyone: Do not do either of these two things. They are not allowed behaviour in Card Hunter and will get you a warning and/or a ban. Punf, suggesting either shows some rather bad judgement. Disappointing.
    FDrybob, timeracers, 40c_rudy and 5 others like this.

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