I googled and search everywhere but could find no info on them. Is there a description somewhere? Are they totally separate from the campaign? Items don't carry over?
They are stand alone scenarios, with no relation to the main campaign, and the items you have available have no relevance to these adventures, but they do offer a chance to get more loot doing something 'different' from the regular adventures, and the loot you *earn* in the Mauve Manticores carries into your campaign. The loot is based on your renown level, so it's always going to be of some interest, wherever you are in the campaign, and if you're having trouble with a particular adventure in the campaign, want a break, and don't want to try it co-op (for some unfathomable reason), you can just try a Mauve Manticore instead. Some of them are pretty tough, so don't expect a pushover, mind, but at least if you're lacking good equipment, that makes no difference. I have a follow-up questions as well; is the loot drop from a Mauve Manticore adventure the same on repeat completions as the first time? No improved chest for the first time you complete one?
No adventure has an improved chest for first time completion. Some adventures (especially, but not limited to, treasure hunts) have a special first-time drop, but actually the fancy end-of-adventure chest image doesn't signify anything gameic. MM is the same as, say, Highway Robbery in this regard. The end chest is no better the first time than it is the nth time.
Hmm, so the loot caries over? My first mauve game the game said I gained 1000 gold but it didn't show up.
In what context did the game "say" that you gained 1000 gold? Please describe this in as much detail as possible so I know what you're talking about. (The game should never be awarding gold directly...)