Suggest New QD Boards

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Jon, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    We're looking at adding some new quick draw boards to the league rotation. Which board(s) would you like to see in league rotation? Feel free to suggest as many as you like with your reasons.

    Example: "Gladius Triple" or "Crypt Feast".
    Obernoob, Wocket and Pawndawan like this.
  2. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Celestial Dojo -
    The only current QD map that has separate VP squares is Deep Forge, which favours wizards and elf warrios. I think Celestial Dojo is a bit more balanced in that regard.

    Celestial Temple -
    I really like this layout and would like to see more maps with 2x2 VP squares in QD. More LoS options than Temple Tussle, which is one of my QD favourites.

    Citadel Irrigation Chamber -
    In my opinion, the most interesting layout of the new Citadel maps. Especially the VP squares are laid out differently than in other QD maps.

    Summoning Race -
    In my opinion, the most interesting and balanced of the player created ranked maps. Again, really unique VP square layout.

    Edit: As much I like QD, I hope that this doesn't mean we don't see league rotations that have one or even none QD maps anymore.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I couldn't parse all the negatives in that. Do you mean "I hope we will see league rotations that have one QD map or no QD maps at all".

    Thanks for the suggestions.
    timeracers likes this.
  4. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Heh, yeah. I hope we will see league rotations that have one QD map or no QD maps at all. I think since the launch of EttSC, all league rotations have contained two QD maps.
  5. Rebel7284

    Rebel7284 Ogre

    For the record, I love having tons of quick draw. I love seeing cool and unusual card combinations that come up in that format.
    Wocket likes this.
  6. Christofff

    Christofff Guild Leader

    I'm putting all my money on
    Celestial Lions and
    Batfords Kitchen;

    Both for strategy potential and I feel they are balanced for QD. Will help test them out on the server with pleasure ;)
    Flaxative likes this.
  7. Killer74

    Killer74 Hydra

    "Yellow Brick Road" - Obviously control will help a lot here, however, it wouldn't be as dominating as in Shrine, you can make all your move cards count here. Wizards have an initial advantage with all the wide open space, but if warriors can move down fast enough they can chase them off the vps. While this is a pretty terrible map for constructed builds, it would, I think, be a good one for QDs, as you are unlikely to be able to build as good a burst deck.
  8. Obernoob

    Obernoob Hydra

    Stackoverflow in Jon.Language.Parser line 45

    I feel see the same. I really like QD, but more often faster leagues would be nice.
    hatchhermit likes this.
  9. billiska

    billiska Ogre

    How about oozeball map for QD?

    It's kind of open, so mage is strong.
    But at the same time if warrior can pin mage to difficult terrains and the wall if allowed to get close.
    so, mobility pick like Teleport Self and Reflexive Releport will see some uses.

    I also expect Large Weapon to be picked as well.
    As my warrior with Large Weapon did well in host QD.
    (You will need step attacks to get over large weapon)

    but eh. maybe telekinesis can be a bit strong.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2015
    Sir Veza likes this.
  10. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I always wished I could kill things on that map.
  11. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    I generally dislike maps with only one VP square, but maybe that's just me.
    Christofff likes this.
  12. Magic Elves

    Magic Elves Thaumaturge

    I've always been a big fan of Celestial Dojo due to it being a well balanced map, in my opinion. An odd number of victory points, medium sized, rounded corners so wizards can't be cornered as easily, open spaces with enough blocking terrain that warriors can move but are still restricted slightly, and it was popular enough that it was picked to be recreated as Cyberspace Dojo.
  13. Jezterscap

    Jezterscap Lizardman Priest

    Quick draw is my favourite league, I love the variety of cards its adds to gameplay.
    This isn't a suggestion for boards but a new game mode 'reverse qd' , where you draft your opponents cards.
    This could lead to some very fun games , demonic revenge for his elf wizard or fright for his warrior.
    While you can give all sorts of bad cards to your opponent, he can do the same to you.
    Christofff likes this.
  14. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    OK, four new QD leagues will be coming soon. They will use these boards:
    • Celestial Dojo: a much loved board with three victory squares.
    • Batford's Kitchen: also a popular ranked board with six victory squares tightly clustered in the middle.
    • Summoning Race: a cool player created board with its eight victory squares scattered across the board.
    • Oozeball: a league board with a single victory square in the middle.
    Hopefully these boards will provide some new QD challenges and provoke some different build strategies.
  15. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    I know Oozeball QD will be completely different from regular Oozeball, but can you make it so, that Oozeball & Oozeball (QD) don't appear in same league rotation? Same with Chess Madness / Chess Madness (QD) and Golden Shrine /
    Golden Shrine (QD)
    Wocket, timeracers, billiska and 2 others like this.

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