Weak Strike

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by TheRev, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    I don't know if this has been noted before, but weak strike although it is a black card, is not recognized as a drawback card?

    I could include pictures, but if you just select all drawback gear challenge and try to equip equipment with a weak strike card it will tell ya you don't have all drawback gear on.

    Also the card Extend says that it lowers duration, but actually increases it.
  2. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Weak Strike is not a handicap card. Its an extremely bad attack card. Check out some of the Handicap cards here to see the difference. :)
  3. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    Well if it isn't a handicap card, then it should be a different color shouldn't it? If you notice all those that you linked yourself follow that same pattern.
    Dorque likes this.
  4. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    I agree that the title bar should be a different colour to avoid confusion:


    They should both be the same, and I think that Weak Strike should change to match Weak Chop. It's a red background attack card, not a black background drawback card.
  5. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    lol When ya put them side by side ya can really see it, but the title is just kinda weird being black like that. True nuff though it doesn't look like the Drawback cards in the Wiki. (Background wise)
  6. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    A drawback card is one with a black background. The color of the titlebar does not determine the type of card, you can read here for a straight answer from the devs.

    And yes, I agree it does cause confusion. And it has been raised before as well. :)
  7. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    Also although Extend, and Time Snap both say by one turn it seems to increase it by 2

    Edit: Before I posted this I searched for Weak Strike, and nothing came up. So I just went ahead and made it. So here we are :p
  8. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I wonder if we should change the black title bar to some other color.
  9. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    lol... Well right in the bottom half of the card is a large white area.. You could put "This isn't a handicap card... Yes we know the top is black."

  10. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    To choose a color other than black . . . that doesn't already have meaning attached . . . but that still denotes "this ain't as awesome as the shinier ones" . . . that's difficult. Green is good already. Red is dedicated to attack cards. Grey is dedicated to armor cards. Brown is already sorta in there, since you have "paper" title bars. But do you suppose that you could do another brown?

    . . . Or maybe that's not such a good idea, since your lowest three values would be brown, paper (brown), and bronze (brown). Um. Can you do a "stone" color that is easily distinguished from grey armor?

    Edit: How about something almost completely white, like chalk?
    Scyrax likes this.
  11. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    White title bar would work, I think. It's enough of a change to make you "see it".
    TheRev likes this.
  12. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Dark Brown - possibly mud coloured? To show it's really crappy? Also, if it's only one card it feels like the tier is a bit unnecessary, might be easier to make weak strike paper in that case. Depends on what BM has in store.
  13. mightymushroom

    mightymushroom Goblin Champion

    Plenty of cards have black title bars: most of them are true drawbacks that do some sort of harm to the user. So far as I can tell Weak Strike is the only exception, which causes confusion. People are using the black bar as a guide on hybrid drawbacks, such as Arcane Curse, that predominantly show another color in the illustration. If Weak Strike had a paper bar like other normal, weak attacks there wouldn't be any need for more colors. (yet. . .)

    The opposite quandary, cards with a drawback that have higher quality rating and title bar color, is not quite so much of a problem in my opinon -- my opinion being that of someone who learned the distinction a while ago.

    It might also help if/when we get more explanation in game. (And in the blank help file (which shouldn't be completed until things are settled, I know).) I don't immediately recall any color discussions except blue=move and red=attack at the beginning of the tutorial. Anybody who wants to do an only drawback mission needs to know that drawbacks are black backgrounds.
    Scyrax likes this.
  14. LightPhoenix

    LightPhoenix Orc Soldier

    I agree with others that it, in the case of Weak Strike, should just be a Paper title bar. I'm assuming it has the black title bar because for value calculations it is valued differently than Simple Strike or Bludgeon (both Paper). Otherwise, I see no real reason to differentiate it; both Simple Strike and Bludgeon are both Paper Melee Crushing cards. Yet it's clear Bludgeon is better than Simple Strike based on the damage. Reserve the black title bar for Drawbacks only.

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