well first i have to say i had amazing time on CH, i really loved the game, the community and etc. when i started to play i set a goal to be in the 1500+, i love the mage class and i was pretty stubborn on playing 1-1-1 formation : 1 dwarf mage , 1 human priest and 1 dwarf warrior but i was struggeld, i had to build my deck and every game took very long time to finish when i need to calculate every move i done, i make it till 1411 but got drop easily for 1100 and under, then i tried to go with 1 priest and 2 elf warriors then i was steady on 1350-1450 but today i said to myself by hook or by crock i will make it to the 1500+, i rememberd when i read about the 'cult of the bejeweled' , then after a month + in the game i finally made it to the 1500+ , where im going from here ? only god knows =]